Ah that makes sense about the pressure and number of holes. I have to admit I’ve never used a home machine! I guess you need a steeper angle with just one hole.
If it’s taking you more than about 30 seconds to steam one flat white, you might not have enough oomph to get super smooth microfoam.
You do want froth at the top and milk underneath though, to an extent. You need all the air to go in at the beginning, then as it stretches it comes up of its own accord and submerges the tip as much as you need.
Give it a swirl, tap it on the counter, pour it into another jug (down the inside wall of the jug to smooth it out and kill the big bubbles), keep it moving, then pour as soon as you can. -
There’s a reason the better machine has three holes… along with all commercial machines. I don’t want to completely contradict Jonny69 but as long as the pressure is good, the angle and direction doesn’t really matter too much; as long as you get a good hiss on the surface to introduce enough air, then dip it slightly under the surface to come to the right temp. No need for the magical vortex but it’s quite pleasing.
Booking anything online. Swimming, soft play, gig tickets, yoga/Pilates, each with their own shit website and if you’re lucky a clunky app, passwords all fucked and card payment systems asking for passcodes I’ve never heard of.
Actually add to that, buying anything online outside of Amazon (sorry planet and small shops but give me one-click ordering any day), and trying to track parcels.
Just using a phone. I hate typing on a phone more with every upgrade.
Fuck it all -
There’s always a line!!