Thank you everyone. Deep down I know it was the right decision for him, he never got to the stage where he was in pain, just uncomfortable. It is far too quiet without him now, I didn't sleep well without him hogging the bed, & at somepoint today I really should clean away his litter tray & wash his stinky blankets (couldn't face doing either yesterday).
@hoefla Once January is here I'll start looking for another cat that's in need of a home. I'll happily adopt another old cat that just wants a window to sit in, or a cat with medical conditions that shouldn't play outside. Hopefully I gave Catface what he needed for his last year's of his life, & can do the same for another.
So I finally had to make that decision. I tried so hard not to get upset when I took him to the vets, I know they pick up on your feelings. I'm now left feeling lost, lonely & like a part of me is missing.
The decision was for him though, not me. Farewell you little stinker, I loved you so much & will be eternally grateful for you helping me through my darkest moments, I'll miss you my little best friend x
Catface had a bloody mouth on Sunday so took him to the vets yesterday. I'm now in bits as he may have a tumour(or tumours) in his mouth. I've been warned that if they do the biopsy to see what it is he may not come home, or if he does then they will not give him the steroids needed to treat it as he has diabetes. Turns out both of his sister's have had tumours & died earlier this year, one with them in the mouth too.
I feel sick at the thought of coming home & him not being here causing chaos. Deciding what to do now is so tough as he is currently happily chomping on dreamies (I don't care if these are bad for him right now, because have whatever he wants).
I've often been tempted by not using shampoo but my scalp gets super itchy if I don't wash it at all. I seem to have super sensitive skin & sometimes water can make it really bad. I've started using paraben, SLS, & chemical free shampoo & body washes which have significantly improved my hair & skin. I also don't shower everyday to allow my natural oils to stop my skin getting dry. Tkmaxx is surprisingly good for giant bottles of natural soaps, shampoos & body washes. Might be a happy middle ground to the harsh drying chemicals & nothing at all alternatives.
There seems to be so much debate amounts folks about dry vs wet food. I'm so worried about feeding Catface anything with high carb values that I actually have a cat carb calculator on my phone to work out if it is safe to give him. You'd be amazed at how few dry foods, even expensive ones, are suitable. I've only found one on zooplus that is just about OK for him. Out of curiosity, what dry food have you gone for?
Can I ask why you want to feed only dry? If it's for convenience I'd seriously have a rethink. Dry foods are quite bad for cats, there are extremely high in carbohydrates (risking diabetes), can leave a sticky residue on their teeth leading to problems there & some cats then don't drink enough water as they should get most of it from their food.
Catface likes his dry food so I have relented & give him a few every day to keep him happy, but his main meals are wet high protein, low carbohydrate meaty meals. His diabetes is now mostly under control through a more natural diet. You'd be amazed at the amount of unnatural (to cats ie. Potato, rice,vegetables) ingredients there are in most cat foods.
Catface is an indoor only cat, sometimes it's best keeping them in for their own good. Might seem cruel to some but I can't risk anyone else feeding him as he is diabetic, also last time I let him out he came back with an extreme allergy from something & pulled his fur out.
All cats are different & he certainly wouldn't like a little friend to keep him company. He is king of his castle & I doubt he would want it any other way. -
Poor Catface is having to have daily baths at the moment. Hopefully this will help his dry, sore skin & stop him pulling more fur out, then vomiting it back up again. He really is the most rubbish cat ever with his huge list of problems: diabetes; allergies; dry, sore skin; vomiting... Good job he's cute sometimes to makeup for it.
@graunch great, hope to hear from you soon. It should be amazing so I'm a bit sad I can't make it.
Hi there,
Is there anyone that wanted to do Vätternrundan but missed out on a place? Unfortunately I'm unable to go after booking my place so have one on offer. The start date is 17 June with a fantastic start time of 20:02. I originally paid 1350kr so will accept offers around this. We will have to go through the official transfer route but should be fairly straightforward.
Betty -
Catface had a bit of a funny turn the other day. He was very lethargic & a bit vomity, reminded me of when he was when his diabetes was first diagnosed. Up till now I have managed to regulate with a super low carb diet (expensive & hours wasted calculating food constitution). My brother (also diabetic) gave me one of his old blood glucose testers, which I finally managed to use on the devil cat, his levels were super high! I don't think we had another donut incident...insulin given & the creature is almost back to normal. Eg, walk g me at 5am for breakfast.
On top of this, he has been pulling at his fur again. He has flea allergies but I treat him & the flat thoroughly, the fur pulling results in fur-vomits which is just gross. He seems happy otherwise but I'd rather he didn't have this bad habit, has anyone else had a cat pulling fur out solved by a feliway plug in?
I live in a flat & adopted a cat who lives indoors. He is an elderly cat with diabetes so I need to keep an eye on what he is eating & can't risk him going outdoors to be fed by a well meaning stranger (especially if they give him dreamies or kibble as they send his blood sugars soaring!). There are kittens in the same situation, either with injuries or health problems (diabetes, feline aids etc) that would be just fine indoors. You just need to make sure they have things to climb, play with, scratch & treat dispensing balls are great to keep them occupied.
My stupid cat ate a custard donut yesterday. How he managed to get hold of it I dont know. Made me panic as it surely can't be good for him as he is diabetic. The cheeky chap looked so proud of himself & was bounding about the flat, so, fortunately he must be OK. Cats are idiots.
(Photo of Catface drooling wasn't after the donut incident)
After this weekend's scare where I thought I was going to lose Catface I'm happy to say he is very slowly on the mend. We have discovered that he has diabetes. Both of our lives will revolve around giving him his insulin every 12 hours, but for now the battle is getting him to eat something as he is looking rather skeletal. Fortunately I work in an amazing place where I can bring him in to keep an eye on him.
After months of being a happy indoor cat Catface has decided he wants to play outside. I don't mind this (except his odd times he wants to go out & if I don't let him out he becomes unbearably vocal & extremely grumpy) as he seems to enjoy his random half hour of fresh air a couple of times a day. We had just got to the point where his fur had grown back & instead of using up his energy scratching & pulling fur out he became more playful. My main worry is now that he may be bitten whilst he is out, causing the horrific skin & fur situation we had before due to his flea allergy. Hopefully I am just being paranoid, but I cant bear to see him like that again.
Here he is with all his fur being too lazy to attack my knitting.
After trying to talk myself into buying a new bike, I decided the best option would be to improve, fix & prepare my current bikes for winter. So the everyday track bike is going to get new shoes. Bored of riding fixed in all weather I have gone with 3 speed sturmey archer hub gears with drum brakes. All the parts have arrived, I have been shown how to measure for spokes so the next step is attempting to build the things.
Here at Popup bikes on Monday 14th September we will have Anna Hughes giving a book talk on her recent adventures. It is about her bike ride around the coast of Britain along with other adventures.
Starts at 7:30pm teas, coffees, toasties and Tunnocks will all be available to purchase as usual. Tickets are £3 available from here .
Hope to see some of you here!
[(https://instagram.com/p/0x1VvpKzQ0/) ]
Just got this little chap from a rescue place. He is nearly 11 & was going to be put down after his owner died. Instead be now lives with me in my flat, starting to make himself at home after a week here. I absolutely love him & can't imagine coming home to an empty flat anymore.
(Can't seem to get the photos to upload properly without a proper computer)
So this weekend I am hopefully getting my first tattoo done, super excited & nervous. As it's a large piece it is likely to take a good few hours so I was wondering how best to entertain myself without being rude & ignoring the guy, books, music, t'interweb on the phone?
I've taken everyones advice about not racing for a few days afterwards so grudgingly have not entered into the Monday track league. Probably for the best anyway as I think I'm in need of some forced rest.
This is Lula who we got just a few hours a go. She is 8/9 & has calicivirus so is an only, indoor cat to avoid spreading the virus. She is very different to my beloved Catface. Soooo very furry! We are all getting used to each other at the moment but I hope she'll be happy with us.