This one doesn't seem to be affected by all this hot too much. She hated the car journey to my parents, shouting the entire way and making me feel crazy guilty. The then hid in the eaves in the attic but has decided all is forgiven. The attic steps are her favourite spot, ready to pounce on passing heads.
Hope everyone's beasts are all coping with the weather.
Thank you for posting pics of your cats, it really helps seeing them when I'm getting a bit stressed at work. Its amazing how getting home to a beast meowing at you helps you forget the horrors of the working day.
Here is Gigi, she is chilling out (slightly), although when she plays she goes mental! We are constantly having to remove her toys from her water bowl & she has chomped her way through one of my plants (not a poisonous one!).
Hope everyones poorly cats make good recovery. -
Gigi isn't too sure about this Christmas stuff. I think she is missing her boat home, this being on land at the grandparents is all a bit puzzling. She got lots of presents but has taken to hiding in the attic, which she has claimed as her own. Don't worry Gigi, we'll be back aboard soon.
Happy Christmas to everyone & their cat creatures x -
It sometimes feels like she can fly. One minute she isn't there, then next there she is! She is fast.
Her favourite toy is a little black bird, or it was till she tore all the feathers off it, now she takes great joy in drowning it in her water bowl before flinging it around the boat...or dropping it on out heads for the 6am game of fetch. -
Gigi is settling in & becoming over confident. She isn't one for sitting & having a fuss as she is far to busy chasing shadows & reflections. When she isn't doing that she likes to play fetch with a stinky toy bird that she also seems to like drowning in her water bowl before flinging at our faces. Still, she is rather cute, especially when she finally settles down to sleep in her window bed.
My Mercian has been stolen from Preston. Please let me know if you see it advertised anywhere. I love this bike so much!
Fully campagnolo components and Vento wheels. It's quite unique so should be easy to spot. I've shared it on the Twitter, Facebook & Instagram in the hope of getting it back, any other suggestions most welcome x -
Gigi is a really lovely little cat. We feel so very lucky. Considering we have only had her for a day she is really settling in well. She slept on the bed with us, sits on the sofa next to us for naps when she has worn herself out with the tweeting bird toy, claimed a stool as her own and has enjoyed her window bed. First cat I've ever met that just loves belly rubs!
Black cats are so tough to photography, and absolutely blend into the background at night.
Going to look at a little rescue cat tomorrow. She is 6 months old and was found left in a cupboard by some house clearance people (really makes me angry that people can be so heartless). If we like her and the cat rescue place is happy with the home/boat survey the following weekend then she will come live with us.
It has been so lonely without a cat about, we will always miss Lula, but there are so many cats in need of a home we couldn't wait much longer. Home is where the cat is.
They gave us some antibiotics/inflamatories, but she vomited that straight back up. Its tricky with her as she has gastro problems & often brings food back up unless it is super gentle. The perils of adopting an elderly, ill healthed cat! (wouldn't have changed it though, she has seemed to enjoy boat life & gone from an angry to a chilled out soul).
Lula Balula went to the vets on Saturday (& vomited in the car as she always does). Worst fears were confirmed, the vet thinks it is a tumor but only way to confirm is a biopsy, followed by palliative care. We have decided against the biopsy as she will just get distressed, especially with no positive outcome at the other side.
For now we are finding cat soup is being eaten ok, along with cat milk to get some nutrition in her, & plenty of love & head scratches until she lets us know she has had enough. -
I've been using stuff from Eccoegg. It smells great and as you only need a capful per bottle it lasts ages (unless the other half doesn't read the instructions and just uses it neat!)
Gigi being all bendy, weird, and lovely.
Currently trying to convince three other half we should adopt another cat. I've seen one that had been waiting for a home for 3 months! Likely because he is a black cat and people are stupid. Any way, tips on guilt tripping the other half into agreeing to a second cat, and introducing the possible second cat are welcome (do not say keep in separate rooms, we don't have separate rooms, the perils of boat life).