splitting the ride eh? if @|³|MA3K was alive today he'd be spinning in his grave
great pics. looks like this fella's schlepping a load of suitcases https://www.flickr.com/photos/funny_cyclist/52002135824/in/album-72177720298040846/
OMFG, I've been studiously avoiding this thread as I am away on hols...
Now the morther-in-law has broken her leg doing a skid (not on a bike tho) & our hols are cancelled!1) |³|MA3K
2) Oliver Schick
3) eyebrows
4) Booga
5) Jonny69
6) Settle
7) middleofnowhere
8) mespilus
9) cliveo
10) anidel (I'll have to come back home somehow)
11) ric_a5
12) Frozone
13) Snakeye62
14) Tommy
15) Magpie
16) conkrWest to East:
1) Crop
2) Malandro
3) BlackMath
4) Cloak/Dagger
5) digs86
6) knowcomply
7) anidel
8) playswellwithotters
9)dimi3 -
Lovely day out. Cheers to @notoriousBMT for reestablishing this London classic (Oops) Cobblemonster. Was nice to see a few faces from a few years back. Cheers to @skülly and @hoefla for the good company.
Also haven't (tempting providence here) had a puncture on my UA. I've had the rear wheel out when I had to swap the Enviolo hub (the 2nd one) so know how to do it. When I bought the UA the fella in the shop recommended getting a Gaddi tube to just tuck in, in situ. Haven'te tried it yet but looks more difficult than removing the wheel!
would love to but friday night's are not good for me #redseapedestrian
cheers all for a reminder of how lovely it is to ride the city at night. cheers too to the forumonger who's near encyclopaedic road knowledge got us from Tower bridge to half way. Also, I think, his idea to stop at Lowlander. Crap pics her but best I can do with shaky riding & crap camera