Or the fact that they are still an integral part of the UK's 'democratic' process. Why should some old biddy have the right to appoint ministers / PMs, summon and dissolve Parliament and have freedom from prosecution solely by dint of her great-great-great-etcetc-granddad being a more successful murderous bastard than anyone else's great-great-great-etcetc-granddad?
Interestingly (or not) at Survival of the Fittest loads of people dumped their wet trainers and shorts/t-shirts in the changing tent, it was like the running/fitness version of dumping tents after Glastonbury... #waste /csb
My mate is from Yorkshire and thus a notorious bin-diver. Stayed at mine after the London mara and returned with 2 bin-bags full of still damp and sweaty shoes, tech tops, race belts, iPod holders etcetc. Couldn't understand why I wouldn't take them in lieu of rent.
He runs in a cycling jersey so he can pick up any discarded goodies he encounters during the race.
Clearly the British examples were an error, but this doesn't look good on the IAAF.
@AWu-Tang one record, them's the rules!
Didn't @WjPrince start this, and put forward two records?
I'm just selling in SE18, round the corner from Plumstead.
Some nice parks, especially if you run (probs also if you MTB), notably Bostall Woods
Crossrail is likely to help connections and prices
Handy to cycle out to Kent at the weekends
Near Harry Perry's bike shop in Woolwich
Locals are generally a pretty nice bunch
Do you like fried chicken? Knock yourself out
No shortage of evangelical churches, many offering miracle working and gayness cures
It's not LewishamCons
Depending on where you are, transport links can be shocking, needing a lengthy bus ride to a tube or mainline - but you've got a bike, so not crucial
Any short term value rise due to Crossrail has probably already been factored into the price
House prices have been historically stagnant (my place increased c.30% in 10 years - other places in Ldn manage that in a year)
It's still pretty much a shithole - almost as bad as Lewisham -
Can't remember the last year I listened to 20 new albums, never mind 20 I liked. Must be old.