Players have been suspended for saying similar things, and they don't have to have a credible lack of bias.
It's just hard to get over the stupidity of someone who would allow themselves to be filmed:
- breaking lockdown rules (seemingly)
- showing personal animus against a high-profile manager from a team with a penchant for hysteria
- using what is defined in the rules of football as racist terminology
- alongside a prick who is spouting even more contentious shite
It's clear from the video that they planned to send it to a bunch of other people - no matter how drunk you are, you know that's putting c.£200k a year that he's never going to get elsewhere at risk. Guy's a moron.
Anyway, what channel is showing these medieval games of violence?
- breaking lockdown rules (seemingly)
@WillMelling - wouldn't know, can't read their threads.
Can we ban links to Twitter from the forum? Anyone who uses Twitter is supporting Musk, who is obviously one of the most damaging individuals on the planet. But threads here are still full of 'follow this Twitter thread' links, which (obviously, again) nobody can do unless they're a willing Musk supporter.
It renders much of the Misc/Meaningless part of the forum pretty much broken a lot of the time.
What a great actor. Don't know if Brass ever got a repeat, must try to find it somewhere...