Up 2000 in the rankings by extending my little squares to 12x12 today. It has involved a wee bit of tactical trespassing into schools/fields, but it now covers pretty much the whole of Tonbridge. Most of the ones round the edges now involve challenges with private land/non-cyclable roads/railway sidings, so not sure how much bigger that square can get.
Taking our small wins where we can get them - The Onion and the Sandy Hook families now own Infowars:
I'm a bit over Cavey now. It's got to the stage where it's always the new stuff (which gets less attractive every tour) plus Tupelo, Red Right Hand, Ship Song, Weeping Song, From Her to Eternity. Which sound great, but I've seen it 'nuff times. Still, OH loved it, so worthwhile.
Also, with the Israel/coronation/pals with Gove stuff, think I'm done. Wish I'd gone to Amyl instead, but can't take 2 trips to Ldn in a week.
Graun to stop posting on Twitter:
Now, what would help is websites refusing to link to it as well...
Players have been suspended for saying similar things, and they don't have to have a credible lack of bias.
It's just hard to get over the stupidity of someone who would allow themselves to be filmed:
- breaking lockdown rules (seemingly)
- showing personal animus against a high-profile manager from a team with a penchant for hysteria
- using what is defined in the rules of football as racist terminology
- alongside a prick who is spouting even more contentious shite
It's clear from the video that they planned to send it to a bunch of other people - no matter how drunk you are, you know that's putting c.£200k a year that he's never going to get elsewhere at risk. Guy's a moron.
Anyway, what channel is showing these medieval games of violence?
- breaking lockdown rules (seemingly)
I'm not allowed to let our son know we have an Xbox, so can only play once every few months when they're not around. Been playing Red Dead 2 for much of this year, and am still only 30-odd % in. Every time I get to turn it on, I've forgotten how the controls work, so end up shooting a civilian in the middle of town or riding off a cliff. Get the impression I'd be really enjoying it if I had the time to immerse...