@infmz @hanford - thanks very much for the tips, really appreciated! My schoolboy French is still pretty passable - at least enough to get me housed/fed/watered/directions. Just got a day or two to work out everything else - actually, not much else to do (other than pack plenty of inner tubes) - despite the very different landscapes, it's largely one road the whole way, just get out there and ride it.
I'm taking an unplanned trip to Morocco, leaving Sunday. Thinking - land in Marrakech, stay a night, cycle out through the Atlas Mountains via Tizi n'Test, find places to stay on the way, end up in Agadir. Chuck the bike on a coach back to Marrakech and hope the first place I stayed have kept my bike box.
For anyone who knows anything about Morocco (I've never been):
- Does any of that sound stupid?
- Will the high Atlas be cold during the day (travelling light, not planning on bringing any long sleeves)?
- Any news on the state of the roads, esp. since the earthquake?
- What's the likelihood of finding non-meat food options outside the touristy places?
- Does any of that sound stupid?
Knowing what I do of Tonbridge, that's a decent size.
It's unfortunate that I've pretty much done it now, as there's not too much scope for extending it with dark winter night runs - lots of trespass-y fence-clambering required. Still, only joined Strava recently, so huge amount of scope to extend the big squares past the current 9x9 - didn't even have Toy's Hill till yesterday!
Wonder how much of that bill was for the unjust and egregious persecution of a few peaceful protestors.