I've done a bit of research (e.g. this Founder's pledge blog post) on this and if you want to help out globally I'd recommend giving to the John Hopkins Center for Health Security. Also, they do important other work trying to prevent things like this occurring again.
Watched the Platform last night, it’s on Netflix. Pretty interesting watch - a bit like Snowpiercer on a train but with a bit more eating.
Ah as yes @DethBeard said ^
Need some suggestions for how I still (virtually) meet my tutor for supervisions. Obviously Skype would work but we do a lot of maths together so is there some programme out there where I can share my camera from say may laptop and then share my iPad screen whilst they’ve the ability to do the same and write on my iPad screen?
https://www.flattenthecurve.com/ Probably a repost but I particularly chuckled at this one as I have my uncles 70th birthday to attend in a few weeks:
Yeah the lawn isn’t such a large issue - it’s not exactly a massive diverse ecosystem. I’m sure I’ll walk passed it tonight and Trinity will have gotten the 30 person strong groundskeeping team to restore it back. Trinity has faced a lot of pressure over the last few years for some of its dodgy investments - maybe this will finally kick them to start thinking about them properly. It would also seem like a fairly well targeted institution because it comprises of about ~1000 students and ~200 fellows who’ll hopefully be able to apply to pressure to the college bursar/investment team.
Watched Parasite again last. As good, if not better than the first time. I was really able to pick up the overall slickness of the movie and the dynamics of all of the characters. Also all der metaphors! I was also very happy because the two people next to me decided that they would narrate the entire film: 'Oh no, is he going to....'- film interrupts one second later with what actually happens.
I had a similarish experience a few days watching A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood. I had the full old commentary from the couple behind me. They also employed the full-hand-shovel-face-popcorn-eating tecnique. Then once that was done one of them rested their de-shoed foot on my armrest. Then about 15 min before the firm ended one of them stood up loudly and said "pretty tired - I'm gonna run down and get a coffee". Then that had me thinking about the half-life of coffee being 8 hours and even he gets to sleep early the quality of that sleep will be reduced. He came back in about 13 minutes later without two minutes to go because from what I could ascertain the cinema had turned off their coffee machine given it was almost 11pm. But yeah otherwise, very enjoyable film, despite the goons behind me.
But with Korean film being in the spotlight at the moment any recommendations? The Handmaiden has been on my list for a while now
Lovely little simulation model by the MODLABs team that my economic network lecturer showed us to today: - link
Quite a fun simulation where you can change some of the, largely unknown, parameters relating the virus, e.g:
- Length of contagious period (i.e the increased probability that you are going to encounter someone and hence infect them.
- You adjust the number of people who have been affected so far
- The impact on travel restrictions
Some of the really cool data is their methodology. They've already got a lot of rich set of data of where people are going all over the world whether its internal commuter trains between Wuhan and flights and connecting flights.
They were also able to predict a few weeks in advance that there may considerable under-reporting of the virus in China. They way that they did those was considering (at the time of their first analysis) by considering the 50 or so international travellers who had conducted the virus without having travelled to Wihuan. For example, someone in Tokyo who catches the virus who didn't go to Wihuan they estimate the probability of doing so. This is based largely on transport networks, e.g. the number of people leaving Wuhan via, train, car, etc and after that who are the most likely to make contact with and where are they going next. With all of this data be used that found that it was very unlikely that international (without a direct Wuhan visit) was extremely low. Their conclusion, along with another analysis, implies original case reportings were too low.
- Length of contagious period (i.e the increased probability that you are going to encounter someone and hence infect them.
Two problems I’ve had recently. I use a saatchi hub thing to connect two monitors to my MacBook Pro and when it’s on low battery they often fail to connect. Is this a likely hypothesis? Annoyingly, it also doesn’t like charging through the hub when the battery is low.
Secondly, my water bottle leaked in my bag last night and the screen has become a little fucked. Is this ever going to go? Everything else seems to be okay at the moment - except the touchbar...
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Parasite. Parasite. Finally, after seeing it on my streaming service for the last 4 or 5 months waiting for me to watch it, I resisted and went last night for a proper theatrical release. It certainly won't be the last
To top it off: the audience was amazing - not one audible popcorn consumer within earshot
Went to see the Lighthouse last night - fantastic. If you liked the Witch then you'll probably love this and my friend who thought the Witch was a bit meh also enjoyed the film last night.
The only slightly annoying thing was that as we were entering the entire audience from the 6pm preview screening of Parasite came out doing the whole spoiler thing.
Saw the Gentleman last night - not the biggest Guy Ritchie fan overall. It was okay - very harhar geezer. One of the funny jokes of the film was just to get a actor to swear. Regardless, once I’d gotten over all of the gimmicks, by the second half I was enthralled.
Otherwise thought I’d do a list of my favourite films last year:
- Monos
- Little Women
- Bait
- Marriage Story
- Avenger: End Game (yeah)
Then I was pleasantly surprised by / didn’t get a big audience reaction:
- Long Shot (don’t let Seth Rogen put you off)
- Fight with my Family (as mentioned above it’s quite a tearjerker)
- The Fairwell
- Ordinary Love
- Pain and Glory
Worst films I saw were Good Boys, It chapter 2 and Ad Astra.
- Monos
Given this down time, I’ve decided to try and go through some of the ‘classics’. So far have seen Citizen Kane, 12 Angry Men and North by Northwest - all pretty good but enjoyed 12 Angry Men the most.
In contrast, I watched the Hunt and Bad Boys for Life.