In. Mat wants to play at downs? @MAT
Hi yah! The best place to start is at beginners night Tuesday at Newington. http://www.lfgss.com/conversations/166991/
Click to the last page for recent activity.
So Sunday the 9th?
Pickup will be happening this Saturday @claireliza
Northies, will you come to North Polo? @snoops @M_A_X @Chukker_Dredd @wooodrow @GranthamMiles
I don't know who else actually is North. I want to be there but I also want there to be six.
In so far
4.Vit -
hahaha! Count it!! @Khornight2
Could do Sunday 9th for Ladies Polo then group ride to HH for regular polo???Should we have a skills lesson? I want Luca to teach me bike tricks!
Emmet and Luca are both in!
Does anyone have little cones?