Black platform pedals with details in red: http://www.lfgss.com/thread128297.html
looks good. I'll be out of country next 2 weeks though.
will get back to you if I don't buy a pair abroad -
as for bullhorns, I'm looking for something like this:
http://www.ribblecycles.co.uk/sp/road-track-bike/handlebars-h-bars-tt-lo-pro-oversize-deda-crononero-handlebars-low-profile/dedahbaq210would love some ready to go cockpit though. like taped, with brake lever and cable passed through tape or inside.
Looking for some missing parts for the bike I'm building.
I'm thinking in get
- either drop or bull horns handlebars, but I want them to be a bit wider (lets say 42/44+ cm)
- front brake (lever, cable, callipers..)
- some platform pedals
- maybe some decent tyre+tube... just to put it to roll a bit.
I'm looking for all parts in Black (maybe with some details in red?)
edit: i'm in london - e14
- either drop or bull horns handlebars, but I want them to be a bit wider (lets say 42/44+ cm)
I've been following the threads over a couple of weeks now, and no much success...
so, I've been looking for a Crankset: Ideally something not that pricey, like Stronglight Track 2000 or Sugino Messenger; 165mm 46/48T; Black if possible
Please consider that Track 2000 is 60 on px store, brand new...
hmm cant see the price for ipod?
which iOS version it runs?
edit: just checked on wikipedia, no ios 6 for 3rd gen :/