Anyone know any metal fabricators that would do a small job?
I am looking for a cost to fabricate a 1435mm length of 40mm mild steel round bar with drilled and threaded holes on each end face for M12 bolts. Its to attach an "arm" to my print bench.
Proving harder than I thought to find someone that could do it.
Dial printing was talked about on here a while back. Have just seen this, a nice video of one of the ways it’s done
Not showing anything other than a Hercules going at about 1000ft every 10mins.
@Leshaches from the pitch changes of the engines it sounds like they are doing similar above us now, haven’t seen them yet though. Assume it’s F15s from the US base
If anyone is interested I am doing a Pop-Up shop in Leytonstone on the 5th-7th of April.
Going to be selling old screen printed editions, painted signs and stuff from my studio for (what I think is…) cheap.
Also going to be making a gilded sign over the weekend.
Address is No1, east entrance of Leytonstone underground station, Church Ln, Bushwood, London E11 1HE
@pifko I don’t really know anyone that does lettering at that scale.
Seb Lester is the best lettering artist out there for that but not sure he does commissions
Searching instagrams # might be a good place to go, lots of very talented folks there that would I am sure love a commission
Ah cheers
Truth is that was over a years (!!) work as Dave is such a perfectionist. Should have been 6 printed layers and two gilded, ended up being 15+ and a whole load of back and forth.
It is super difficult to do an edition of 25 of something for people who only ever make one of what they make. The parameters of perfection have to be different when you are doing something 25times and that was a speed bump in production process.
Moved house and thought I better practice what I preach.
A painted and gilded transom that has the original name of the house (WOODSTOCK) from 1908 (I found it on the deeds. Every house on the estate was named apparently) as well as gilding to the glass work on the door from 1908 that has brilliant cut “glory stars” on it.
Also done a neighbours (BIRCHDALE) who dropped past to ask about it. Would love to do more of this stuff locally.
Picked this up on Tuesday from the loft it has been stored in since my old man passed away 7 years ago.
Wound it and it has been running -1min per day since. Definitely won’t have been serviced in the last 30 years. Remarkable really!
From what I can find it dates circa 1890 and is from the the Ansonia Clock Company in the states.
I am dyslexic @edmundro and so I used to spend so long writing in school and it was all bullshit so I figured it might as well be pretty.
I see letters as shapes rather than letters, means my misses has to spellcheck everything before I start, I have to send her photos from site and everything!
Peter Lindbergh can do that sort of thing
He has mad skills!
I’ll email the folks at Casio!
5% of sales… design fee…