This is SO good.
Flicking through my '94 Specialized catalogue I see they were making carbon road frames with pretty small aluminium lugs. Looking at pictures they look basically the same size as standard steel lugs too. So, you know, you're in good company. Look up 1994 Spesh Epic comp and Epic pro.
Agree with everyone on masking up your face for carbon cutting, nasty stuff. Worked at a sailmakers for a while and we were cutting carbon battens all the time for $$$ race sails. We just used standard hacksaws, working slower with hand instead of power tools might give you a better chance of not shredding carbon all over the place (killer splinters too btw, itch like crazy)
Can't wait to see Frankenstein's carbon whip rise up.
I've had to pull a dick move and pull out of buying this after making @Ohbanville wait.
Feel super dickish. So free bump is in order. Worked out that to recreate this bike with used parts would cost >£600, so it's a banging deal.
Sorry again Stephen :(
@Viggen creepin' on the thread and your offers to others, but throw me a line when you end up selling, would be very interested, depending on it's size.
Recently took this for the functional thread on a X-E1 with Helios-44-2 58mm lens and M42 adapter (I also use old OM lenses too on a different adapter and an X-Pro1). The lens is everything a good lens isn't, but that's why people like them. The adapter is a cheap eBay one and it does an alright job. Find the set-up is totally lacking in any sharpness though (£10 lens for you).
Focus peaking is a great tool but it is still quite easy to get an out of focus shot. I find that I'm limited in how wide I can set the aperture. If I set it all the way open at f2 it is nearly impossible to get the focus where I want it, especially up close.
The only time I've found this set-up incapable or annoying is in portraits. Being close to the subtly moving subject, opening the aperture wide (shallow DoF) and the time consuming focusing all mean that getting the focus in the right place and capturing that 'right moment' in one image isn't as predictable as with an autofocus lens or split circle focusing.
Reader's Raleigh Randonneur. Recently moved out from SE to the southern coastal provinces and find my scrappy Randonneur is the most used bike in the shed. Need to find a good front rack for the supermarket run that is now measured in miles rather than metres.
Chain side plates turning orange rather quickly. Turns out salty sea air rusts things pretty quickly, who knew?
Also, on the farm gate next to where I took the picture;
Bored youth vs Landed gentry, who will win?
@edscoble what chainset is this currently on the Oak? I'm after something for my Raleigh Randonneur with a similar gearing and have so far been unsuccessful in my hunt for a chainset but those look just right.
Nice one, I'll send a PM