going to read through this thread now. long story short. broke my clavicle late june. had surg because the gap was to big for it to heal on its own. have some hardware and a plate holding it together. problem is, i feel like im ready to start some sort of physical therapy. my doctor has only issued me three exercises to do each day but still havent recieved a follow up x-ray or actual physical therapy. so i sit here most days, lose motivation, knees are hurting now from how immobile ive been.
edit* next appointment is in 2 weeks. the wait is too long.
colossi's new crit frameset. edit* i dont know how to show the image from flickr. sorry
^^sorry i dont know how to post images or edit previous posts. new here http://imgur.com/vy1HNuc
Hong Fu FM-126... but you see it pop up lots of places. Veloforma is currently branding it (which is one of places it caught my eye, Zak K. is riding one). Two sessions in, feels very solid/stiff. Handling similar to my previous two (PX and Fuji TP), perhaps a tiny bit quicker/twitchier? 14.91 lbs as it sits in that photo (#irrelevant).
looks like a veloforma http://www.veloforma.com/pista-pro/
my surgery was july 1st. i had 2 follow ups with the surgeon http://www.stamfordhospital.org/Find-a-Doctor/Doctor-Bio.aspx?Id=2981 i've asked her both sessions if i will be starting pt anytime soon, and she said not until my follow up x-ray in a few weeks. ive been out of work since the bike accident. i havent even been to the gym for my legs. i really want to move again but i want to do this right.