Tell your 'external contractors' to join the union as they could be members of both the cycle instructors branch and couriers branch.
As an employer(a contested word I know) I'd be very careful around not issuing masks as they could be considered essential PPE given the circumstances and that method of working takes into account clear understanding and exposure to risk of infection especially as the service is aimed to send them door to door of sick people. As an employer you have a duty to staff and should be looking to keep them safe, providing PPE and other resources as needed to keep staff safe or cancelling unsafe activity is part of this.
Many are also I suspect paying staff overtime rates and bonus payments that they don't usually factor in just to keep the doors open and shelves stacked. I know at my local Aldi staff have all done 60hrs+ in the last week with no sign of change. If you apply the same across the entire supply chain with extra trucks rented and extra drivers hired along with all the warehouse staff and such then margins must be awful.
Many had already given spoiled but still useful and short date goods to foodbanks and such. What happens now as the foodbanks run empty is the question.
I'm also hearing Aldi might drop it's max of 4 each product down to 1 of each thing.
I didn't watch sport before but I'm going to watch old rollerderby on youtube and start in like 2018 then follow the games in order like it's happening for real. If people haven't watched it then missing out, I've almost been able to learn the rules.
Random game play starts about 4min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjFHJQuRdSM
We are doing those in Streatham, I'm in a huge whatsapp of 100+ people that's split from about 500+ people in the area all ready to take a street each. We seem to have added dog walking to the list so dogs can get out rather than be stuck with owner for 14 days and childcare so those out lugging stuff about can have support if needed.
I've already agreed to take the cargo bike from work and move some bits and as work are local they are all on board so it's great.
The only people struggling are fair weather capitalists. Deliveroo are making a killing even expanding into supermarket food delivery as the properly employed people are sent home. When the dust clears all that will be left is 0 hours and gig economy contracts for everyone, our tribunals will be so inundated with sick pay claims and such that the wild west of employment will be open to all.
Just been told some family came into contact with someone that's now died, they are stuck in for the next 14 days now. One is a manager at a big Tesco, another senior staff at a Co-op so loads of people are going to be a mess by them not working and if they extend the quarantine or whatever to both the shops staff no idea what happens then. By friday they will have gone insane from staying in and I'm sure stupid as fuck elderly relatives will have attempted to visit.
Just use your kitchen one? Try not to stab yourself but if you just need under the tongue reading it will be fine.
I know an old guy who goes to chuch all the time(think he goes to 3 each on different days) and asked him what they are doing as typically chuch community is going to be full of old people his reply was something along the lines of "oh, they have stopped all the communion and wine, told us not to shake hands or anything and even said to some of us pray at home so we don't get sick but what are you going to do, you have to go to chuch".
Depends on your policy?
I know when I had a healthcare thing at my old work it covered just about everything so long as you could work out which hospital they would use as the approved place to get treatment, a number of the near ones had been small non-NHS hospitals and clinics. Remember having a lengthy argument about that as after 6 years head office based outside London wanted to remove London hospitals so I'd have needed to go to Guildford or something making the policy I'd never needed to use even more worthless to me.
For most BUPA cover they just bump you up the lists, they can't do that with ICU or A+E or other time critical stuff like that. I'd expect news in a months time of people kicking off that they had been paying BUPA for years and then coronavirus came and it did nothing to help them.
Of the 4 subtypes(ABCD) only 131 strains of A have been discovered, those 131 can be further broken down into clades and sub-clades ending up with endless possibilities for mutation.
Unless you wash your hands
AND every single surface you come into contact with that the virus could live on.
Always worth watching one of the many videos with chicken and uv dye showing just how much stuff can spread.
I don't like riding the canal but when I was going to Alperton often it made sense. Only bit I found super dodgy was the narrow bit east of where it crosses the north circular, it was fine most of the time but you sometimes got another cyclist zoom towards you and even as a confident rider I'd stop and stand still close to the side as I could as they did that dumbness.
If it's dark when you ride be considerate and pick the right brightness of lights so not the sun mounted facing at the eyes of oncoming riders and not some bright flashing crap.
Might need to add lending stacks of books to neighbours who can't get out. Lambeth library staff have walked out as PPE wasn't being provided. Expecting a proper news link soon but it's on facebook/twitter already.