Today, we glorify the one that ran in 10.1 seconds, and say the one that ran 10.2 seconds. But both of them are very fast. That’s dangerous for sports. We have reached an era in which we glorify the winner, without looking at the means or the method. And ten years later we realise the guy was a cheat. And during that time, the one that came second suffered. He didn’t get recognition. And with all that’s been said about them…they can be very unhappy.
Raise the saddle by 1cm for http://www.lfgss.com/conversations/274213/#comment12506973
48cm worth looking at too? -
I doubt Nike could be directly involved in giving teenagers drugs.
Although a large corporation involved in something unethical? Who'd think it possible.
http://www.ethicalconsumer.org/boycotts/boycottslist.aspx -
"...the British rider's (Wiggins 2009) values well below the parameters potentially indicative of any artificial performance-enhancing methods."
http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/wiggins-values-point-to-cleaner-peloton/ -
This Sports Science page agrees with you. It's incomplete so explanations can only be speculated. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1061634447180927&id=213103522034028
These pages discuss calculations of OFF Scores. https://athleticalgorithm.wordpress.com/2013/10/12/understanding-the-bio-passport-the-off-score/
http://sportsscientists.com/2011/03/the-biological-passport-legal-scientific-and-performance-views/FYI: Radcliffe's scores are amateur compare to JTL's.
"According to UKAD, Tiernan-Locke’s figures led to a ‘highly abnormal’ OFF-score value of 155.8." -
Certainly Conte thinks doping programmes are far ahead of the testing programmes.
http://www.theguardian.com/sport/2015/aug/20/doping-world-athletics-championships-cheats?CMP=share_btn_tw -
Just seen these. Any evidence it can work? Is it not just the same exercise you'd give the diaphragm while running flat out?