- Used but top condition backpacks: Black 15£ (pending meet), Blue one 30£, I guess everyone know Easpak, so no need to explain.
- 27 1 1/4 rear velocity wheel + Gatorskin + spare 27" DSI tyre + 16t cog (no lock ring) - all great condition - 35£
- Quando front wheel - 5£ SOLD
- 1" threaded steel fork 180mm steerer (used/great condition)+Tange headset (used). Price 30£. SOLD
- Giant A3 stem+bars - 5£.., Charge spoon + seatpost - 12£, Nitto 26mm clamp quil stem - 12£ SOLD, blb riser bars 25.4mm - 10£ SOLD.. Pedals - SOLD.
Pickup spot - Brick Lane bagels.. cash.
Dibs+pm. Lezz goo - Used but top condition backpacks: Black 15£ (pending meet), Blue one 30£, I guess everyone know Easpak, so no need to explain.
- MA3K
- Kris
- Hairnetnic
- Eddiemon
- lynx
- Bannon
- starfish and coffee (ride out from central London)
- fasih
- Tonyme
- Elra
- Clockwork_killa
- shinkuu kiss
- malandro
- Senor Bear
- Swine
- Temp
- Velocio
- Pete
- Mule
- apollo
- morrino
- Melsbikes
- Seven04
- Bundo
- lucyh
- Dull
- Laner
- Clockwise
- Modan
- Husy
- Howard
- monkdagola
- tommy
- mashton
- ?eyebrows
36.DragunovCZ1 + my bro (hopefully we will finish before 11pm and join you) - mantasfitness
- MA3K
Guess I get 2 skid patches with both legs.. but this skid patch thing is confusing as someone told me that it does not matter as we don't skid in the same place every time.. Riding breakless gives me discipline..I dont ride like peps from macaframa or corn. To be honest i dont get tired riding breakless alot of people complain about knee pain and stuff.. No probs at all for me.. Maybe because I just haven't gone on a long ride yet.
My winter commuter is 44x16 with 700x28s. It's about 72GI I think so is fine in all but the worst headwinds and will spin 25mph if you must.
I have another bike that's 48x16, 700x23s and it's noticeably less nippy round town.
I very much like 71/72 GI.
Trying out 44/16.. Some how I dont feel its good for me as i get tired of spinning it..My legs asks for heavier gear..even if I ride breakless..Did around 30+ miles around london..Thinking to get back on 48/16.
One of those beautiful nights :)