It's not as effective as you might think. If you use the site often enough you only have to slip up once or if it's an alias have a similarity in the two users (even a subtle one) and the whole thing just crashes in and reveals who you are. Best just not to be a prick online I find. That said, I also have the tendency to be a prick offline as I can lack tact at times... so ah well.
It's fucking impossible to be anonymous
Tried to creat ago ogle account using an encrypted browser and they told me to fuck off
Tried to join this forum using Tor and was told to fuck off
Fuck this -
'they' can block access to sites 'they' don't think we should be looking at
they' can monitor our searches and Internet use read our emails using clever algorithms that detect things 'they' deem dodgy
This whole Internet is turning into a bland shopping mall
We anarchists/antichrists will have to go back to meeting in the middle of the woods again and write hand delivered letters to each other in lemon juice,then eat them.
Canute/tide springs to mind
X -
Fresher today