Check out sheldon's article on this: http://sheldonbrown.com/frame-spacing.html
You could just spring the rear triangle open 4mm every time you put the wheel on. The article says: "Ideally, the frame spacing should exactly match the hub spacing. This makes for easiest wheel replacement. In practice, however, there's a fair amount of latitude in fit. In fact, when the first 130 mm 8-speed hubs were introduced, they had locknuts with beveled sides, so that you could "spring" apart the rear triangle of a frame made for the then-standard 126 mm spacing."
It all depends how precious the frame is and if you would rather hunt for a 126mm OLN wheel.
We just got back from the outer Hebrides! It was a proper adventure and I plan to go back when I can.
We had planned to do Barra, Uist, Harris and Lewis and cycle back accross skye. We decided to skip Harris/Lewis (apparently hilly) after the granny ring fell off one of the bikes - pretty much the only bolts I didn't double check before we left. We also lost a day on South Uist which made things a bit tight - didn't fancy cycling 50mi with a 60mph crosswind.
@JT, the roads arn't too bad and we found most drivers to be patient and wait for a passing place. You do get the odd local driver who takes no prisoners though. Since the A-road is usually the only road there's always more cars than I expect - I wouldn't call it busy though.
It was cool watching planes land on the beach at Barra airport:
I'm surprised you kept your cool! I'm having similar shenanigans with DX.
This morning I got an email from DX saying "we tried to deliver your parcel 26/03/15 at 6:36pm but you were not in" etc. 6:36pm I was home from work and both my neighbours were in - no knock and no card.
Bear in mind that this was due for a next day delivery that was already 3 days late because the driver kept running out of time. My guess is because it was so late they've put it down as an attempted delivery - I bet on their records it no longer counts as a delay. Cheeky buggers.
Yodel, if you try to deliver and I'm not in leave a damn card so I know to arrange Redelivery. Othwrwise you might have to store my tyres indefinitely.
While I'm at it, fuck wiggle's new courier Dx. Delivery deadline was Tuesday 6pm according to their email! Apparently "the driver attempted delivery but ran out of time". Running out of time!=attempted delivery. Unless he sat outside my front door until 6pm?
End rant.
Similar clips are on ebay for a couple of quid: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-RALEIGH-BICYCLE-REAR-MUDGUARD-FENDER-MOUNTING-CLIP-NOS-/121604524770?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item1c5031cae2 I have one of these and it slots onto some alloy mudguards no problem.
£22 carradice saddle bag here. Nicer than mine but can't justify it! http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=231505317703&alt=web
I was watching that frame to see how much it went for. You got a good deal on a cracking bike and I'm glad it ended up in a good home. What are your plans for it? Are the parts currently on it of the right era?
That paint is in amazing condition! My girlfriend rides one of these frames but it has been refurbished, sadly without the boxlining.
Hilarystone.com has lockrings for a price http://hilarystone.com/sparepartshubs.html
I have dura ace uni glide hub and have stocked up on spare sprockets. I'll see if I have any complete with lock ring. I might not because the lock ring is a different diameter on the dura ace free hub.
If you can get the lockring only, you can file down hyper glides sprockets to fit the uniglide free hub.
Reading back, I misunderstood the question. In fact I probably suggested what you were trying to avoid.
Engage brain then type.