Group of eight/ten Scottish football fans yesterday morning just off Edgware Rd/George St junction. About half of them veered off the kerb in front of me while looking the other way up the road. Grabbed anchors and then swerved into opposite lane (I know) and just missed a plumber's van coming the other way - I don't think the driver even noticed me, as he was looking down (mobile phone?).
What still puzzles me is why the Scottish fans would be looking the wrong way up the road - it's not like they drive on the other side !
Fair play to them afterwards though - all apologised to me and then gave me some good banter when I was standing at the next lights!
Finally taken to using a whistle (after my bell got nicked, along with my front light - who nicks a bell?). It definitely gets attention. It's also pretty good at stopping me shouting expletives when something really ugly happens! But I can't help thinking most other people are just thinking "Who's the twat with the whistle?".
Not tested out the choking possibility by crashing with it yet though...
Evening all...
A long-time lurker and first-time poster, I am currently suffering from baby-induced insomnia (first one and four months old) and from a realisation that I should have made a first post some time ago.
I don't technically fg/ss in London, as I commute on a modded, three-speed, snot-green Raleigh Stowaway. But I do ss at the weekend, at home in Cambridgeshire, when time and child allows.
Great advice and banter on here. See you on the (potholed) tarmac in the smoke!
Agreed about that Abus. For about the same weight and more flexibility, a good lock and chain would be much better.
I had one for years in Nottingham and I'm sure the only reason it 'worked' was 1) luck and 2) because it was bigger than the puny cable locks of my flatmates (both of whom had their bikes nicked from the walled back garden while mine was untouched). I daren't use it in London, even on my commuter.