I took this very crashy photo
Laughed way too hard at that. Excellent.
I really want to understand flat earthers. What do they make of people who do trips like this?
Cycle stuff for sale at Lidl TODAY - https://www.lidl.co.uk/en/Non-Food-Offers.htm?id=145#theme170
Bought the white pannier bags and a workstand.
Here's five from my Transitional Space series
More here - cargocollective.com/brendonfraser
I'm thinking about making a video outlining common cycling misconceptions., whilst attempting to promote cycle lanes and cargo bikes.
We all know them, but so far I'm thinking; they're all RLJers, don't pay road tax, roads were built for cars, they should stay far left, cycling uphill is pretty much impossible unless you're 25 or under, the old can't cycle, cyclists ruin travel times etc.
I'll also argue against the notion that London streets are too narrow for bikes/ lanes, and that commutes are too long to be cycled.
Anyone got any to add?
Used http://cycle.travel/ to come up with this Harwich to London route
Any silly billy roads I'm going to go down?