@Elra I pledge to ride down every set of steps we come across
Someone must know this so I'll get straight to the point, I wanna sell my Rotors, I bought a brand new BB for them but I don't have the chainring bolts, I want to sell the whole package so I won't until I have the bolts for them, because I know how hard they are to find. So, does anyone know where I can get them from, apart from 'Bike24' who don't them in stock at the moment, or know of a different set of bolts that actually work with Rotors? Thanks in advance
Wait, what's going on? >< @BigH
Hey.... @Raksy Please have another BBQ...again :(
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@Crop Since its my birthday, can I handle the Aux?
1) What do you ride?
2) Does it have those funny looking things on it that make you slow down?
3)Does it make a werid clicking sound if you stop pedaling?
4)What are you bringing for me?
5) 4. -
@Raksy I'm sure that will be more than enough, I expect my wife to be attending as well :D
@Elra I've got work till 18:00, then supposed to go to a leaving thing for a colleague, but I'm considering flaking from that, really wanna rolla all over someone's Paluza ><
Wow, haven't been round these parts for a while. Spotted @Bundo (Owen), on his motor fixie yesterday on the way home. I let you win that little race ;)