Made braised Ox cheek with chorizo last night, got enough to have it again tonight. BOOM.
Jones the Butcher in Herne Hill/Brixton borders is amazing, got me a couple of fresh ox cheeks. Most butcher's I have asked have told me I have to order a box of 60 frozen ones wholesale. Erm no. If you live in the area and want a particular cut of meat pop in to Jones the Butchers, they are a great bunch of chaps.
RIP to Mr Powick, my A level geography tutor. I had one on one lessons with him as I was the only person taking the course. He was a great, no nonsense, teacher who genuinely cared about his students. He had a stroke previously and lost the use of his left arm but that didn't stop him throwing his board rubber with impeccable aim at bastards who were playing up in his lessons.
We had a trip to the cliffs on sheppey to look at fossils. We went in his car and he drove at high speed through the sheppey country lanes with his one arm. I shat my pants.
Mr P made longshore drift and glacial erosion interesting.
Someone on ebay bought all of my cameras, but I've just realised I have a Veho film scanner if anyone wants it, happily let it go for a tenner still has it's box and everything.
Like this one, scans 35mm and 110 film
https://www.google.co.uk/shopping/product/17873009789926092486?q=film%20scanner&safe=active&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47008514,d.ZGU&biw=1058&bih=680&sa=X&ei=WMCkUeOZLIO90QXkuYHQDg&ved=0CKwBEPMCMAY -
Yeah, went a bit lomo mad one day
I like the Holga if there is immense sunshine and have used the LCA quite a bit but yeah can't get on with the Diana. Thankfully I've never paid full price for any of it, it's all very overpriced and overhyped.
Pretty sure the hefty Russian camera is a Zenit 11, not sure where the fuck the beast is.
Can I go about nicking car parts to sell on eBay because I've said I'm legit I get them from the folks down the race track when they've finished with them.
It wouldn't be hard for them to ring the few velodromes in the country to check the story out.
It was the burglary team at brixton. Cycle task force have so far ignored me. -
Police just phoned. They've spoken to the eBay guy who has told them he gets his gear from a woman at a velodrome when they've finished with it so they have closed the investigation.
He never mentions this on any of his auctions, he always states that he bought parts and they either don't fit his or his wife's bike or that he's bought new ones. Also why has he removed all of his items?
My wheels were geared, would not be used at a velodrome. Deeply disappointed with the police's lack of investigation.
I kit brew as I don't have all the gear for all grain. As I said previously clean everything that will come in to contact with the beer and just follow the instructions to the letter. Then when that's successful you can go on and modify the kits with different yeasts, hops and malts.
My first kit was a St Peter's red, the St Peter's kits are great.Oh be careful when adding sugar for carbonation, too much and it'll go bang!
I did my first homebrew in my bedroom, had problems with the room getting too hot in the summer so draped a cold wet towel over the fermenter and stuck a fan on it. All come out lovely. Only tip is to make sure everything is steralised to death before you use it.
Can't wait to start brewing again. Had to stop as current flat is too small but OLC is getting a garage in his new place which will be my new lab.
Thinking of selling my film cameras (edit - updated list of what I've got):
Lomo LCA+ with instant back and coloursplash flash (flash has a filter stuck in it towards the back, could be fished out, doesn't disrupt use)
Red 35mm Hoga with colour filters and holder
White Diana F + with 35mm back with flash adapter so the LCA flash fits, instant back, splitzer, cable release
Blue lomo fisheye - has some sticky tape residue
Smena symbol
Halina 35x - bought at a boot fair never got round to using so no idea if it works
1x fujichrome provia 100iso 120 film
1 x lomo colourslide x pro 200iso 120 film
7x unbranded c41 100iso 35mm film
3 x unbranded b&w 400 ISO 35mm film
1 pack instax minis
1 x Kodak gold 200 ISO 35 mm filmWould anyone be interested? Happy to split or sell the whole shebang together for a good offer
Pretty sure I have an old hefty Russian SLR kicking about somewhere
May join you on girlie rides soon. Have started riding for longer at weekends and plan to build myself up, I'll wait until I can actually get over a hill without dieing though.
Simon if you happen to read this, don't get too excited, this does not mean I'm happy to go on your so called (often hilly) shortcuts.
- Khorn
- Fixedwheelnut x 2
- Indra x 2
- Croft
- Eyebrows x 3
- TW2 x 4 (2 x pink "Cunt", 2 x blue "Luffguss"
- Mk1mark x 2
- umop3pisdn x 2
- Husy
- alfie
- BlueQuinn
- amey
- Eei
- Ada x2
- villa-ru x2
- thedopestghost_ x2
- knightlancer x2 (maybe more if they're pink)
- Fahrgestell x 2
- Frizzer
- desouz x2
- West Green
- bothwell x2
- Aroogah x 4
- jtrent90 x 2
- almac68 x 2
- RuffStuff xn
- Mikey5000
- KatBalou
My bike is pretty lairy as it is without a bright pink bottle.
- Khorn
Me and Simon (OLC) did a little leisurely charity ride yesterday through our workplace taking in the Thames path to Greenwich, through the park then up to the Thames Barrier and on to the Woolwich Ferry. We then went past City Airport up to the Greenway all the way until the Olympic Park then through the canal to Victoria Park. Then back onto the canal to Haggerston Park and Columbia Road and back to Staple Inn where we started via Old Street. Some of you in LMNH may have seen us with our geeky blue "Actuaries on wheels" bibs and for this I do apologise! The route took me through many parts of London I had not seen before and was mainly on small cycle paths and windy footpaths so the map may not be entirely accurate (Ignore the name Maters Bike Ride, was meant to be called Masters Bike Ride and it won't let me edit it, grr). Have had to plot it on walkit as none of us had any fancy gadgets to record it.
All in all was a really lovely day, I'd recommend this route if you fancy a pedestrian sunday ride.
Spotted traffic droid riding down Regent Street with four cameras on his bonce
, probably looking for trouble.