Currently have a Quantum, Quantum Race, Rascal and this Quantum Pro. I've always wanted a Quantum Pro in Coral Reef or Moonrise, and probably need to create space for that to happen or I will face some (justified) domestic issues...I think we currently have 11 bikes/F&F in our apartment! Might make it a 'Klein only' house. They are just so beautiful.
Edited: I listed these for sale a while ago, and I only have the Gios left - thanks to those who bought the Principia and the Quantum Pro! This is a lovely bike, but unfortunately it is just too small for me and it is taking up precious space in our apartment.
I'm coming back to the UK next week and can bring it with me in a proper travel bag. I will be visiting Gatwick > St Pancras > Leicester > Manchester > Glasgow if that helps. Alternatively, I could arrange postage which I guess is around £40-50 these days.
Gios Compact Pro (53.5 TT): Record 10 speed, Vento wheelset, Cinelli bars/stem, Veloflex tyres, Turbo saddle and Keo classics. Really nice condition and has been hanging on the wall for a few years. Frame is 8.5/10 condition, with the only real issue a small paint touch up by the previous owner (hidden by the chainrings). Originally came with carbon fork, but I managed to find this chrome one from @le_corbeau when building it. Very comfortable bike that actually has reasonable clearance (I used it a few times with a carbon wheelset and 25mm GP4000 that don't even fit in my modern carbon road bike). Lets start at £950>850> 800.
All images can be found here:https://imgur.com/a/KO872vQ
For some bizarre reason, there seems to be a number of nice Colnagos that pop up in Aberdeenshire. I once flew up to buy an amazing condition C40 that was an absolute bargain (and see a friend at the same time).
The guy's profile seems pretty legit in fairness. I've notified a friend who lives just up the coast...
I bought a bunch of stuff for my wife that she didn't really like. I didn't read the T&Cs...
The card has £132 credit on it - SOLD. Could be useful if you were already eying up some purchases.
I can simply email the virtual card to the buyer. Believe it is valid on sales items but may want to double check. The amount expires on July 04 2026.
I think the point has disappeared into thin air, much like Pog's chances lol
But anyway, poor Jonas will be constantly badgered by the JV comms team to provide 'personal' content that will make him more likeable (marketable).
All this chat about doping is pretty annoying. JV was clearly way more aggressive on the TT and much of it seemed down to prep; when looking at the side-by-side footage on the descent in particular, it's clear he knew the course very well and was absolutely on the edge. In comparison, Pog looked like it was the first time he'd ever gone down it.
I'm not saying Jonas doesn't do enough, but if you don't want to be a media personality there are ways of being good at cycling that don't involve taking a lead role in a media circus like the Tour. To some extent I think highly paid professional athletes do need to acknowledge where the money comes from and play the game a little.
And yet here we are, talking endlessly about Jonas and the Tour. #reallymakesyouthink
Thanks both. Albulapass and Fluellepass were the ones I found as part of this route.
But looking at Google Maps, looks like they could be a bit trafficky and there's a sketchy-looking tunnel to go through. Would be riding Saturday/Sunday as well which possibly makes it worse.
I'm a wimp with traffic these days.
Principia down to 420 and Gios down to 850.
I fly back tomorrow, so last chance for me to pack anything up!