I really like this Condor on Facebook in Plymouth. I wish I was a little bit taller.
I need to get some equipment at work for a team who’re currently are using awful stuff. The most they’d be doing would be Indesign and little bits of video for online. Would the current generation of Air’s be okay for this?
And are LG Ultrafine 24” still a good single cable solution? Or is there anything else I should be looking at for monitors?
They’re currently using 7yr old laptops connected to VGA monitors with a HDMI adapter.
Possibly, @Tan_sakpreech was going to have them, but I completely missed their DM.
Give me a day to check.
From memory, the LG supplied cables don’t work with Apple devices. You’ll need to get a Thunderbolt 4 cable.
Does anybody know if these are real and get shipped or just cancelled/refunded after a day or two?