Quick update here: started from 92kg in early Jan and weighed myself for the first time 15 Feb at 84kg. Been plateauing for the last week, but will try to eat less carbs to get to my target of 80kg by end of March.
Been running 5 times a week, a very slow 5km that satisfies my Vitality requirements hehe, but looking to get more serious about running soon.
went on the scales today for the first time since starting in earnest in mid Jan.
01/01/2022: 91 kg
14/02/2022: 85 kgNext weigh in March 16: hope to be at around 82kg
Somehow eased into IF 18/6 and cutting out all sweets and crisps, but no other rules.
Crucially don’t feel like I am depriving myself of something. had Korean bbq and tacos over the weekend, so really can’t complain!! -
Anyone at all concerned about slowing down their metabolism by running big deficits? Have been doing 18/6 IF in the hope to avoid this, as fasting apparently causes body to switch fuel sources God knows if this is actually true, but I find the argument compelling, as it explains why shows like the biggest loser and so many peoples’ diet efforts never lead to sustainable weight loss. But either way, the answer is probably that at my age (mid 30s) eating less shouldn’t be a diet but part of my lifestyle from now on.
Really appreciate the openness in the post, resonates strongly with my own situation and feelings. Gained about 10 kg in lockdown and after birth of first kid. Only started last month thanks to this thread to change my routine. I thought it was impossible before I started. But find a routine that suits you and don’t do severe caloric restriction and you will see results! Also, didn’t you refurbish a whole freaking house in the last year or so? Way more productive than what most people did in the last year or so, I am sure !
My weekly update (more for myself than anyone else) on the no-scales, no stress approach:
Have settled organically into a intermittent fasting approach by eating dinner with the 1 year old at 6pm and then only really feeling hungry around lunch time the next day. Felt very productive in the mornings getting about 80 percent of the days work done. Also so far zero temptation to snack. Have started to throw in some callisthenics exercises mainly dips and pulls ups. Only thing I am missing at the gym is the deadlift.. but that can wait until COVID is less of an issue hopefully in spring.Results so far: feel so much better and faint outline of abs is making a comeback after 2 years!
Also, reading others’ updates is really motivating !
So far no calorie counting for me but managed no booze, crisps, or chocolate in the last two weeks, and reigning my carb intake in a little, especially no senseless eating our 14 months old’s leftovers..
Managed to sneak in a 30 min run three times a week after dropping him off at nursery. Not gonna get the scales out but will go strictly by how much less tight my pants feel and less chub on the face…will do a first weigh in in mid feb.
Trying weight loss the zen method this time, otherwise I get obsessive and crash and gain it all back
Current 88kg
Target 78kg
Will cut out chocolate and crisps, and cut back on carbs more generally. Will get back to running in my lunch breaks and maybe join a gym further down the line to build back some of the muscle I lost. Hope to be down to 80 by mid March. Will start without calorie counting app but might need to get back to it, as it was the Only thing that worked for me in the past. -
Exactly the same for me… working from home and having a one year old around made me complacent. Always easy to find a good excuse to skip a work out and eat trash food. I am 6’1 and have hit 88kg for the first time ever… I feel my best at around 78 too but feel for the first time that it’s gonna be a challenge for me to get fit again, having turned 33 this year.
I got these things and it works! I have two left over if you wanna try them [https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Window-Blind-Gap-Blockers-/124408143238?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0]. (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Window-Blind-Gap-Blockers-/124408143238?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0)
Also interesting that we didn’t need a pcr test for our return flight to the uk, just an antigen Test which you can get for free in Germany (with English certificate). I paid 20€ for mine at Düsseldorf airport because they give you a certificate with your passport number and I wanted to make sure we wouldn’t be turned away travelling with a 9 months old..
Thanks, that's a bit far for me unfortunately.
Very keen on the bike though.