Hello all,
Got a few bits laying about that are not being used. Collection only, london E5. No dibs, cash is king! PM!- Some vintage camagnolo front hub. 36h. Bearings still smooth. £SOLD
- Phill wood rear hub. Fixed/free, 32h. Pretty old, but still buttery smooth, no lock-ring. £60
- Campagnolo pista crankset. 170mm. Used, some scratches here and there and everywhere. £80
- Thomson elite x4 stem. Oversized, for 1.5" forks. Mint condition. £25
- Dodici rims. 16h. New, never used, some marks from storage. Sold as sets. Silver or black, £40 a set.
- Some vintage camagnolo front hub. 36h. Bearings still smooth. £SOLD