what happened to bonor, and sorry but i met a lot of people for the first time so i'm not sure who he is. I hope he's okay.
Sorry for making a dash for it, at the second re-feuling station. I know its bad form to attack under these circumstances. it all got a bit Wuthering Heights on top of ditchling.
- Malaysian
- デ ツ ク
- organ
- Dockside
- Mechamorgan
- sakédown
- Noboto Laner - Chief Navigator
- Fitmum
- Tendermeat
- Mode
- dakine
- Pom
- Sumo de la flounce
- Robinmariner
- swine
- Sleamesy
- Fischerprice
- vugunu
- some greek cunt
- jakemcree
- Robadob
- HineySniffer
- malandro
- Crup
- Hair's wet
- Hobo
- Cotterless
- Jackc
- Telescope1608
- Ok123
- DOMx
- Seven04
- Velox
- Xesar
- Doutzki
- spotter
- Yankee Shit Bag
- xDOMx (not original Dom)
- Jess|e
- PrivatePatterson
- azzcoles
- AcidHaus1
North Feeder, Angel tube, 9am: - apollo
- Indra
- Hairnet
- Malaysian-kiss
- Dom
- Roady bear
- malandro
- Eamesy
11.jakemcree - Doutzki
- azzcoles
- spotter
- sakédown (apparently)
- Yankee Shit Bag
- xDOMx (not to be confused with original Dom)
- Jess|e
- Malaysian
if it's dry enough ill rock this top http://www.popscreen.com/p/MTU1NzIyNjU5/nike-agassi-challenge-court-tracksuit
so is roydon railway station at 7;45 the aim for people cycling out?