I fear NHS funding issues might favour the cheaper option - my being able to do pull ups, lift weights, swim or cycle isn't their priority I suppose.
That said if you'd seen the que of people I was behind behind at the Royal Free presenting with literally day old minor sore throats and the like (some also clutching passports) I see the strain they're under.
Will have to press my case!
Thanks for the advice/encouragement. There doesn't seem to be a consensus on how these things - although pro riders seem to take the op option asap. I'm no pro, but I would like to get back in the pool or gym aswell as on the bike before I waste away or get lardy!
Having the shoulder taped is appealing, but painful to have done surely (just putting under arm deoderant on is torture for me) .Washing with tape in place might be tricky too?
Just wish this hadn't happened.
I'm nursing a post crash broken collar bone. After only a couple of days I'm feeling pretty miserable knowing I won't be riding or doing much else physical for weeks or maybe months. Very frustrating having only recently got my fitness back on a new bike after my ti serotta (still missing) was stolen.
My first post A&E follow-up appointment is due in a couple days when it be decided whether or not to operate.
Do any of you guys have experience of this and maybe what to ask/ask for at my appointment?
Curious if anyone knows if this is a stolen Brompton. For sale on ebay by post only - no collection. There is one registered on bikeregister as stolen recently.
So called 'health tourism' has been in the press in the last days/weeks, but while it probably isn't the problem the government or the Daily Mail would have us believe, the two patients in front of me were visitors expecting to be treated in an emergency department, with cold symptoms that had developed the day before (I clearly heard the conversation with the obviously exasperated staff) while I waited inline sweating having just ridden to the hospital from my crash site. It just struck me they may have been wasting A&E's time & money?
Any way, very off track, more interested in broken bone recovery stories!