Both identify early on that apathy is indeed a barrier for both NEETS and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to progress in society.
Yep, in my area the apathy is just plain to see. When I had my two businesses post 2008 - both tradesman based (but sadly completely dependent on stable housing market), I struggled to even employ apprentices despite paying over the odds and living / working in an area of massive NEETS epidemic. A dedicated technical college that opened 3 years ago funded by Prince Charlie's charities and local private sector engineering companies (my area is a traditional aerospace strong hold and are struggling to find duckboard engineers) and cost £2 million, has announced it'll shut because they could only fill about 20% (iirc) of the 300 FREE vocational places entirely dedicated to supplying high quality staff to local and national firms for good wages and prospects.
What else could explain the excellent opportunities available with no takers?Edit: I've also noticed the massive increase in skunk smoking in my local area, quite often it smells so strong it makes my eyes water..dunno if that's owt to do with it or just coincidence.
I read that thanks. It just shows stats and not what opportunities are available. I was born near the 70's and I now have far more opportunities than I did when I left school. As I've stated elsewhere, disadvantaged kids have more opportunities now than then - what stats don't show is the apathy people have towards wanting to be socially mobile.
True, but laws are broken by all sectors of society. They got caught out and laws were reformed from lessons learnt, as I originally said - this wasn't down to Thatcher. The way she changed our fortunes was visionary and hasn't been changed much by the left or right governments since.
The shit that happened, as a result of our own greed, was down to corrupt narcissistic individuals who broke the laws.
Wow what? If there was no demand by the end user for dodgy mortgages, then there'd have been no dodgy mortgages to bring down the banks.
And you think there's no dodginess in manufacturing? Really, you're that naive?
When I was an apprentice, it was normal practice for sales reps to get their customers pissed, supply them with hookers / strippers and envelopes of cash. It wasn't even hidden in them days, it 'just the cost of doing business'.
Quite simple really. Get off your arse and retrain in something that is sought after by employers. The areas that were affected by the mining and steel industry declines were offered millions of £ in opportunities to retrain. If you don't like where you live, move. This country offers flexibility other countries are envious of. Indonesians, Malaysians, Indian etc would love to have the opportunities we Brits are given.
But as a nation we seem to prefer to bitch and moan rather than do something about what we're bitching and moaning about.TBH though I'm glad I'm around to see what's going to happen next, politics has just got exciting.
There's plenty of skilled tradesman in this country who are brilliant at their jobs. The problem is, the Great British public prefer cheaper imported 'talent', ironic isn't it?
I was one for over 20 years and glad I got out. What imported talent is willing to work for cash in hand makes being a tradesman difficult in my area any ways.
I've done research around this to satisfy myself I wasn't talking bollocks or my or my peers experiences were bucking a national trend.
Fuck it's sad, yes the papers show that respective governments have tried hard to engage with NEETS, harder than anything I experienced growing up.
What can't be denied is that the affect of my generations poverty is having a snowball affect.
Kids of 1970's kids who grew up in poverty as teenagers have a QUADRUPLED chance of still being in poverty by the time they're 42 which is predicted to continue until someone can find a successful way to stop this viscous circle.
Given the doom and gloom predictions of the affect on the young of a Brexit is sad, really sad.