The black can be removed by oven cleaner but will be hard to check the progress of
he oven cleaner as a raw alloy part turns black, so if there is already black on there it
will be hard to judge when you need to remove the part from the oven cleaner,never
leave oven cleaner on for more than two hours as it can actually form a hard
black coating which is a bitch to get off.My advice is to go the old-school route and remove the black with the use of Wet & Dry sanding paper,
never use 'Sand paper' as this will seriously damage and scratch the alloy and will be terrible to remove
the deep scratch's, Always work down the grades using the Wet & Dry paper, its a long boring process
but after several hours you'll have the black off, then its time to start polishing the part,
again don't go mad as a rushed job will be a poor job.Foam sanding pads are very useful in getting into the nicks/corners,
also buy quality wet & dry paper and not cheap crap which will break up in water.Remember if you see fine scratch's in the alloy! DON'T PANIC, this is all the process
and you will remove the scratch's as you work down the finer grades of paper.You will also need plenty of used cotton cloth, old bed sheet is the best and alloy polish.
I've polished stacks of stuff over the years and all my end results look like chrome as the surface is very flat.
Foam sanding blocks:
http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_trksid=p2055119.m570.l1313.TR2.TRC1.A0.H0.Xfoam+sanding+blocks&_nkw=foam+sanding+blocks&_sacat=0&_from=R40 -
Saddens & angers me to hear of these stolen bikes and having a mint bike stolen
from me out of our shed I know how you guys feel, I never got my machine back too.If I ever have to leave my bike un-attended I always flip up the quick release
on the brake callipers and then tighten up the brake cable adjuster so the
brake pads are touching the rims, flip the quick release back down thus
locking the brakes onto the rims I also push back both gear leavers so
its not in gear correctly, This stops the opportunist thief from jumping
on the bike and riding away with my pride and joy.My idea works well too as last year I watched knob jump on my
bike and he tried to ride off but he was thrown over the bars
and I kicked the bastard in the head and he ran like a rat!It only takes a couple of minutes to re-set the brakes & gears so its well worth it.
Love how the cables go into the frame, cool and very aero!