probably down to how the ERD is measured… some include the all length of a 12 mm nipple, some only include a 10 mm portion of it. I belong to the latter camp, so my measured ERD could be up to 4 mm shorter than others. Thing is, using my method I already tend to get spoke which use all the thread available, so I don’t know how others using the other method can avoid having spokes which are too long
592 is about right if you use conventional nipples, as opposed to the Torx ones, or whatever they are called.
I havent calculated, but the spokes seem a tiny bit short for a 32 3 cross. I seem to recall that Archetype, same ERD used to build front at 290 with most hubs… but then again, been a long time… -
First forward of the valve, so to the right if the valve is at the top is NDS. Normally you start with the hole on the left, if the valve is at the top and that is DS. Killing rims are normally drilled that way… you didn’t buy a rim for 2:1 triplet lacing, by any chance? They only come in 24 holes.
Head in or head out in a crossed pattern makes no difference, some build the two sides in the same way, some don’t. -
Don't believe the hype... there aren't 20 Watts to be had for going a few cm deeper on the rim. Those figures are extracted at the best possible yew angle, which obviously never happens in real life, let alone in a TT.
If you have money to waste, by all means, get the best possible equipment, but if not, then invest wisely and wheels would be at the very bottom of my wish list.
A good winter of Pilates might give you core strength and flexibility, necessary to hold a good aero position for the hour or so needed at the National Road Bike champs (should be around 25 miles, give or take). That is worth some serious Watts. I find that without the help of tribars, I can hold a good position with flat back and head tucked in for a couple of minutes only, before I need to change it... so long way to go here... maybe you can do better -
If anyone wants to do something different and indoor... I did it last year and it was less gruesome than the Festive 500... probably just as many calories burned, but less time in the saddle
Badges are nice, but after earning the SR one, I ran out of badges I could realistically aspire to... I thought about getting an AAARRTY or whatever it's called, but it's fairly flat round here, so that would mean either veeeeery long rides, which I don't want to do in winter, or car journeys to drive somewhere hillier
If you know you can complete a set distance within the time limit, the logical step is to try and do it quicker… and if you are really quick, then the next step is to see if you can be the quickest on the day or ever… doesn’t make it into a race. Wanting to go fast on a bike is probably the first thing you try to do when you remove the stabilisers… or even before
interestingly, even chains on turbo bikes get black, suggesting it is not the dirt from the road…