Haha. You cynical person you. As user67649 guessed, I run active monitors from a DAC - so need something I can whack into the analogue inputs.
I had half looked at getting a Hagerman Labs Bugle 2 (£150) to replace the cheapie Project Phono Box I have, so wouldn't spend more than that... and frankly it'd have to be something pretty awesome to tempt me away from the Bugle. This is to hook up to a 1210 mk2 with an AT440MLb, so nothing crazy special.
Hey @MRI. - just saw this. I'll see what the postage/overnight courier would cost on Monday and get back to you... Sure, I'd rather just hand them over to someone, but I'd also rather someone got some use out of them! :)
Got any small bookshelf speakers lying around? :)