There's currently some bellend called Adam Day trolling Steve Abraham's most recent Strava ride claiming that Steve is 'fat' and that he could beat him up Ventoux (where this belljar is going soon apparently). Steve is slow and rubbish etc.
A quick google search suggests that he's an estate agent, so that explains it all rather neatly.
If you have a question about bike fit and can't afford to go and actually get a pro to do it, then go read Steve Hogg's site. He gives detailed walkthroughs of every possible aspect of the bike fit process - cleat position, saddle height/setback etc etc
The link below will answer all your saddle setback questions:
For a more detailed precis of seat set back (which if set correctly will prevent you from toppling forward when you remove your hands from the drops), read this:
Coming down the A200 Evelyn Street past McDonalds when a dopey twat in a Mini Cooper (new style = guaranteed cockwombles) decides that his Egg McMuffin is more important than checking his mirrors.
He veered straight across the bus lane directly in front of me while I'm going at 15mph+. Cue Oh Shit braking technique and gently bumping into his rear left wing as he completed his turn into the McD's driveway. He didn't even notice. Burly chap in a huge Mercedes Benz leant out of his car to scream abuse at him so I left it at that.
I love Mondays.
I saw a cyclist nonchalantly swigging from a can of Super Skol while riding home no-handed last night. Full of electrolytes that stuff. #protip
To the guy trying to race me on Brockley Rise at 8:10 this morning, please don't play around on busy London roads like that. Swerving to block other cyclists, intentionally forcing them into traffic and aggressively chasing while shouting "Gonna stop you gonna stop you" is pretty poor behaviour. It's not a race.
Chant the same as he comes alongside then stick a bike pump into his spokes. I'm sure he'll see the funny side.
I get front of knee pain now and again and my saddle height is spot on - the issue is always always muscle tightness induced by riding without ample stretching and warming down. If I stretch enough - whether on the bike or off of it - the pain goes away.
The reason I mention this? I was constantly messing with saddle height to get things just right, then realised that the issue was something else entirely.
Steve Hogg has a good guide to setting saddle height/set back etc on his site. Apols if it's a repost!
Get a bike fit if you haven't already. That costs a fraction of the price of a new bike, and I'd be surprised if it didn't make a welcome difference to your existing bike.
And I very much doubt if changing saddles is going to have any effect on the pressure placed on your sit bones. Most issues with saddle comfort are due to fitting issues such as saddle height, tilt, handlebar/hood position and so forth. Get everything else right and you can be comfortable on almost any decent saddle imo.
Cyclists, eh?