But one which reminded me of the song Velocio was quoting
Belle & Sebastian -Legal man - YouTube
I came here for this.
I heart Belle and Sebastian. -
Here's my name on a list I think I understand to be redundant 'cause I can get the hat from the store. Have I got that right?
- Arben Zilci
- jackc
- rwn
- generalmalaise
- Thomas_m (adding postage to DK)
- amygdala
- Vesalius
- deSouz
- noiser
- Yankee Shit Bag
- shinkuu ninja
- rogan
apollo 13 - Spotter
- Chung
- Woah Cats
- JB
- Jingle Jangle
- Brain Stew
20.30N0R - Orko42
- absurdbird
- Pete
- villa-ru
- se1derful
- Hats
- Shoosh
- CasaSteve
- Clever Pun
- Thoma
- Hairy
- Wrongcog (for what it's worth)
- Mirius
- kimpado
- itsbruce
36 Big Dave. - CapBreaker
- WilliamJohn
- MatchkeY
- bothwell
- Stonehedge
- edscoble
- PinkgottiMobbs.
- ScarySneeze
- Brycelyall
- Hefty
- Croft
- Dglshrn
- LaurenceCardiff
- Wobboy
- HatBeard
- Sugoi
- privatepatterson
And here's an awesome dinosaur pic 'cause that seems to be fashionable.
- Arben Zilci
This is beautiful.