^^ Cars and bikes are different. And when you rent a car you don't always get the same type of car you (prefer to) ride.
Yus, but a courtesy car is (in my experience I'll admit) meant to at least replicate the function of the lost one. Obviously if you insure a people carrier and get lent a g-wiz it's useless.
Howard - would a kindly friend lend you one, for love, or for some money that might be stumped up by other party/insurance? If it were a kindly friend that also happened to own a bike shop and could do you a receipt, all the better.
Alternatively find a bargain on classifieds here and when you're done sell it on for same price (forum will probs understand) or flog it on ebay for more.
I don't get that.
In some parts of the world, such as East london where I does my learning, GPs just give out Vit D like sweets to every single person since almost their entire user base are:
- Ethnic
- Wear covering "modest" clothing
- Don't get out much
I can't quite work out if many of them are VitD deficient and it explains their assorted issues, or whether it's a convenient way to use the placebo effect on people that have social/cultural reasons to end up wanting to see the doctor a lot.
- Ethnic
Drivers: say you are involved in a collision which is the fault of another driver. Your car is damaged and will take a few weeks to fully repair. What happens whilst your car is in the shop, who pays for it, and how is the inconvenience minimised if at all?
+1 dicki
Obviously check your policy but it's normal for your insurance to cover it prior to a successful claim against the other driver's policy, and often you'll get a courtesy car for inconvenience. Although not always in which case >>>> bike errywhere
I saw a nutritionist recently. She was of the opinion that it's total number so rather than 5 portions or whatever, aim for 25-30 different types of food for a day. Everything counts so porridge with blueberries and milk is say 3..
The idea is every food has something different to offer and even if you only have a tiny amount you get a little bit of that something. Like a food multivitamin.
But, like multivitamins, that's essentially unscientific codswallop.
The national advice is primarily based on if you can include 5 proper sized portions of fruit and veg (ideally veg but they included fruit cos people like it) it's actually quite hard to find room/recipe for much "unhealthy" - fats, excess carbs etc. I know that for example if I do some courgettes with whatever main, I won't be able to eat chips.
That's essentially the public health logic. The human body is remarkably good at synthesis of most essential things from a staple and basically unvaried diet - if you mix it around within a week or month it's fine. No need to get every vitamin and amino acid, every meal. The most common vitamin deficiency in this country is due to people being darker skinned and stuck inside all day!
It's my parent's, so in a way I was already there, and ran away East. Going back East after summer so it's a temporary sojourn to suburbia.
Wedge sounds dodgy, but is currently "best" and only option. If I can find a gap that's roughly bike sized with them lying down maybe that's best, stop them sliding about too much...
Q - What's the best (easy but unlikely to cause damage) way to transport n+1* bikes in the back of a van that contains all my worldly possessions and is being driven by me, i.e. badly?
I've not really got any decent way to secure them, probably can find enough blankets etc, and maybe some duct tape to the nearest solid object I thought. leave wheels on to give better protection to derailleurs? None of this is at all expensive but I'd be pissed off it it were all indra'd at the end.
Also if anything needs anything big moved between E1 and new cross/beckenham areas tomorrow, I'm probably going to be doing a couple of hops. Might even take the van to SEs!
*In this case, n = 1 :(
no it's just that it's the only good choice until you double its price point
I picked up a nexus 4 earlier in the thread, same time got my gf a moto g and there's little to have between them only mine was second hand and cost more. So maybe there's some argument for an on-offer/2nd hand "google" device if you want nfc or qi or whatever...
Presumably degree of tan is an evolutionary trade off between cancer, rickets, and anything else skin colour effects which I can't think right now.