While writing that I remembered this website: https://whatanimaldoyoulift.herokuapp.com/
which is a fun way to give context to your lifts to your friends.
The short answer is no, it still works.
The flow is it takes the string, pulls the number (word) or number (int) occurrences out into an object, then organises them into an array in the order they occurred in the original string, and then maps them to the relevant number. Then takes the first and last element of that array and concatenates them together. So
will result in an array of ['1'], so concatenating the first and last element of that array together results in 11.But ty for the thought.
In case anyone has morbid fascination, gist with my code (javascript): https://gist.github.com/ZooeyMiller/aaaf22e14fc5401f06dcd16c3ed8b605
Last year I tried it in haskell, thought I'd make my life easier by doing it in JS this year 🙃
These are my test cases, with what they produce:
two1nine 29 eightwothree 83 abcone2threexyz 13 xtwone3four 24 4nineeightseven2 42 zoneight234 14 7pqrstsixteen 76 oneight 18 one 1 eightwo 82 1 1 aaa1bbb 1 threeightwo 32
I think I'm ok with just being "done" with day1 now. I will just not have that star. Day2 was nice and smooth.
assuming your micronutrient intake is decent from your diet, then you should be fine. If not, take a multivitamin, maybe omega3, and a vitamin D tablet assuming you also live in "sunny" Britain. you don't "need" anything really though.
The most important things for recovery are overall calorie intake and sleep. Whey / protein powder isn't even necessary if you can get your protein goals in without it. Creatine works and is a nice to have, but not needed.
I've never heard of someone cycling off creatine, unless maybe for minor water weight reductions if needed? But for strength sports I imagine the benefits out weigh the water weight.
Is there a particular reason you're thinking of cycling off of it?