dglshrn: Hmm, may be I'll make top-to-bottom auto slicing for tall images - that's in the low priority list.
I'm creating the animations manually to get a better result - that's how the pixel art works. Every pixel matters! :)splutter: max I can do on my commuter is about 50km/h (no downhills around here, so that's my physical limit :) - everything stays in place, spokes are not bent (for the 30 grams device that's not a surprise).
On 20 spokes - can be mounted upside down - two mount points along one spoke + 3rd point to prevent the rotation around the first spoke. Or a longer zip-tie can be used for the 3rd point (tnx Khornight2). -
Okay, 8bit buddy animation for the Ledus Wheelus Maxi bike wheel lights. Will be displaying this guy:
Looks kinda
snowydepressingboring on white, so I've made a vignette background
... and copy-pasted 3 times - we'll be slicing it into frames diagonally (bottom-right -> top-left)
I've cut 18 frames. After importing them into the Image Editor and creating a lib, there's a final render:
Image library for Maxi is here - Buddy Anim, ready for a spin!
These 4 libraries inspired by revolights :)
Just thought about something simple, like Red tail + White front:Maxi Polka Dot Red, Maxi Polka Dot White
And for mini devices - Mini Polka Dot Red, Mini Polka Dot White
(maxi can play these too)8bit cartoons next time!
Hiya! Few nom-noms today:
Ledus Wheelus software ver 0.568 is out
+Added support for February revision of Maxi wheel lights (that arrived last week).
+No changes for previous units - supported as before.
+Thanks much for your orders, all dispatched on Friday and earlier today.New Maxi libraries - Orange+Blue
Lib 72 - Orange sidelights animation
Lib 73 - White+Blue sidelights animation
more to come...
adroit, Ramaye, Brun - Thanks for the feedback! I think that's a sudden snow in Heathrow - they had a lot of delayed flights and last week simply got overloaded with all that delayed correspondence.. Usually it's much quicker. But I'm very glad you received your devices!
Khornight2: just in time! :D -
whatok: hmmm.. those the yellow bananas, no? :) Big images are resized - if you want a crisp image after the import, prepare it first - see the samples here (they're 10px tall)
^ :))))) oh that's mad!
hoefla: Yea :) clean with a file/wire wool may be. No special advice - I'm just trying to keep my units tidy, fortunately no rust on mine.
dglshrn: editor shows a single picture (one frame). When you organize frames into a library - you get an animation - like here - Maxi Toad (lib 67)
I'll probably add an animated gif render on the library pages, not in the editor.
Btw this Toad wasn't hard to make - I prepared all frames (18x10), imported into the editor and added pictures into 2 libs (forwards and backwards). That's it :)
Made a complete HypnoToad render on the bike (Maxi devices)
http://leduswheelus.com/images/medium/image_anim/toad_full.gifNeed to make some cartoons for the Mini lights users too..
^hehe, they're famous, see the very first page of the thread :)
Right, wanna show you few acid animations :D
Added two libraries for the Ledus Wheelus Maxi bike wheel lights - Toad from Super Mario games:
2 versions - grab from here:
Maxi Toad Forwards
Maxi Toad Backwards -
whatok: Will do! Oh, I mean will lock!
How's teh weather, all?
Okay, updates. I've just added the "Image Import" feature to the Ledus Wheelus image editor - it allows to draw a picture in Paint/Photoshop/etc. and then import it directly on site - that can be useful for creating texts and gradients.
Supported formats - jpg/gif/png/bmp. Few examples of what's possible to upload:
Sample image sources:
Push them into the Image Editor to get this ("Import" button is in the bottom)
I've tested a bit already - everything is in the editor:
Just a little creativity + attention to details = nice patterns :)
My collection of mount straps:
I've tried different – simple, reusable, stainless steel ties, wires, even ropes and knots. And came to a conclusion: if a thief has nothing in his hands any tie works good, it's quite difficult to break any of them - and 3-5 are used to attach a device, not just one.
And if a thief has the pliers/wire cutters – he'll cut the spoke easily, even if you have the stainless steel fasteners :)Finally switched to the basic zip ties, no probs as well - bike lights don't attract attention when not powered, I think. To be honest I don't always put a lock on my bike and definitely too lazy to re-attach the gadgets every time :D
Yep, that'd be nice.
In theory, Android 4.0+ devices support USB-OTG (USB On-The-Go), and in the end of November we tweaked the usb code to support it - so the hardware layer is ready. At least, sony-ericsson Xperia U (Android 4) recognizes Ledus Wheelus lights via the usb-otg cable.
The guy, who compiled the Ledus Wheelus Win and Mac application (see About page), also develops two more full-time projects at the moment - so it's a bit cruel to ask him making android app right now :)
But in theory it's possible.
@rr4m Have you thought about using magnets so you do not need a battery using Reelights method?
Nope, and that's a *weight*ed decision ;)
MrDrem :)
I'll post couple of live photos too then
Both saved to the Editor -
PQR: those are prototypes made in Summer, glad you love them! I still have a proto on my front, too. Many improvements have been done since then, including a better battery clips, better power off (page 3), auto brightness, clickable hardware Off on the Maxi device - not the full list.
Thanks for the feedback!dglshrn: pleased to hear :)
Hey all! Want to share a list of future improvements for the Ledus Wheelus lights. What's expected in the next couple of weeks:
- Bike switcher for the Image Editor - at least I want to have a live render for 20'' bmx, 26'' mtb, some nice 28''-29'' fixie + the picture of my 29er which is already there will stay. If you want something special – let me know.
- "Image Import" function - will be possible to prepare the image in gimp/paint/photoshop/etc... and import it then. Mainly because it's tricky to create smooth gradients in browser (like this one, guy spent A LOT of time drawing, i think). For gimp it's an easy task.
- Better image compression for the image libraries - to store 3-4 times more patterns within a library. There are already 40 images in the Mini default lib / 20 in Maxi default, but I decided to improve that a bit as well.
P.S. Many thanks who ordered one device in autumn and returned recently to get another one for the second wheel – that's the best credit we can get, really :) And a good motivation to keep developing new features. All recent orders dispatched, will be with you shortly.
- Bike switcher for the Image Editor - at least I want to have a live render for 20'' bmx, 26'' mtb, some nice 28''-29'' fixie + the picture of my 29er which is already there will stay. If you want something special – let me know.
MrDrem, Tenners - oh, thanks much! Not a legend, just trying to make the best product :) Happy 2013!
Just uploaded a Maxi lights preview with space invaders. Camcorder flickers as usual.
Image libraries available for download here. And I think there'll be another vid with SuperMario and Pacman :)
rogan: thanks :) I'll add few more images to the Maxi Default library and then there'll be a short movie.
bothwell: same story, but when the passers-by ask me I tell I made them, not bought :) I'll think about the business cards or stickers probably.
MrDrem: email me with the details, please. Can probably happen on the very first batch of mini devices (first one after the last batch of 'prototypes'). At least I received a report from one guy and his device was replaced. +This issue was addressed and not going to happen on mid-October, November and December devices (and later, of course)
Mr Sworld: Nay, self-ad, and I won't add this into Default :P And when you talk to someone (standing on a traffic light) the wheel is not spinning, right - so simply won't work. But, both mini and maxi devices have the Rainbow Arrows pattern, kinda ledus wheelus logo. If it becomes recognizable, I'll be happy :)
And, finally, the new product comes in 2013 – Maxi lights – twice as big as old device.
Not yet made a youtube preview, but specs and some live photos can be found on site.
Want to thank everyone on LFGSS community, all customers and supporters – development (and the new product release) was slightly possible without your support.Happy holidays!
^nice to meet you! dunno what's your name though :)
+Added previews for the old animated libs (some appeared on the video already)