Got the frame an forks bake from being resprayed at Mercian over Christmas, really pleased with it just a little less sharper around the lugs than I would have hoped for but I think it is just the laquer top coat, not the enamel itself. I was going to line the lugs, but having looked at some images of old RRA's in their original paint, it seems barely any had this done, so I have decided to leave them.
I'm building one up as well, hopefully getting it back from merican this week. It looks like yours was painted in the old pre-war paint scheme, or was repainted at raleigh at some stage as they apparently did all repaints in this simpler scheme with less fancy decals.
looking forward to seeing it built up, should be good... -
but you welcome to the aluminium one though- I think I paid £27 so your welcome to have it for that. It does have alight kink in it though which is hard to see on photos-just near the spearpoint end-it kind of shows up in the although it may be possible to press it out with some care. . I think it's 60's but can't be too sure.
oh, sorry- there's spoke other Catos toeclips on ebay at the minute-although they're not adjustable and they're really rather knackered.
There's also this: [http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bluemels-white-front-mudguard-extension-no-16-1930s-/191734856859?hash=item2ca449bc9b:g:X3YAAOSw5VFWNiSN] although again not the best nick.
The frame has gone off to Mercian to be re-enameled in British Racing Green (no32.- http://www.merciancycles.co.uk/colours
)which is the closest to the original colour I could find, and to have the transfers applied.I've also taken the rims and hubs there to be built up by them, because frankly I don't have anything like the skill or patience required to build them up myself, at least not to a point where they're rideable. Really looking forward to getting everything back-hopefully around Christmas.
and after searching for years for one of these or trying to win one on ebay, I finally own not one, but two Bluemels spearpoint mudguard extensions- a cream Number 6 and a aluminium 6a (with original packaging).
I think I shall go for the cream one on this build, and either keep the other for another or sell it-I'm not so sure about it to be honest, although maybe it just needs to find the right bike...
I've also acquired a durax 3 pin crankset with lovely thin fluted arms, it's in pretty bad shape but I think it will scrub up well- so unsure wether to use this on the raleigh or the 2 arm Chater Lea... I'm erring towards the chatter lea as it leaves all 3 Herons on the chainring visible, but any thoughts welcome.
close up of the seat lug-bit of pitting to the frame showing through but unavoidable really as it was coated in such thick Hammerite paint before I didn't realise it was bad underneath at all, and frankly I think it is preferable to have a bit of pitting rather than ugly thick paint or powder coating