This all looks pretty good to me. Just a couple of things to check:
'Once elected the UK polo association will make executive decisions. Proposals will be voted on by all members.': Is 'Member' in this case the regional rep?
Will there just be one rep per region (I'm happy for that in my area, but I guess a case could be made for more from certain areas)?
'Individuals or city reps may suggest proposals for consideration by the association.': Doesn't that just mean 'anyone may suggest proposals?'. I'd have thought it would make sense for proposals to come through some sort of chain (e.g. via individuals to city reps, then on to regional reps to put to the Association).
Sorry if I've misunderstood anything.
Electioneering smear campaigns welcomed. -
I would if I was the organiser
To be honest, though there will be discrepancies, some of which are visible even to me, it's too difficult for us really to rank these teams, particularly as we don't really know everyone on the list.
As mentioned above, it'll sort itself out in the Swiss. If people feel very strongly that the list needs revision let us know (off forum), but at this notice, and bearing in mind that any changes will both (potentially) advantage someone and (potentially) disadvantage someone else, I'd rather not.Hope that's ok.
Also massive thanks to John H for help with Podium.
what were they based on?
Podium statistics, apparently. Just to note that it's feasible orders will change due to late team changes, but I'm not certain if the seedings will be updated or not.
Is this problematic? I'd struggle to think of a better (not massively time-consuming) way of ranking.
Just to note - some of the Podium rankings look a bit improbable to me, but I guess it depends on whether and when people have been included on it and whether correct names etc have been used.
Last notifications for UK Champs. Please read carefully.
Registration starts at 8am at the courts, or at the courts on Friday (see below). First games start at 9am promptly both days. Failure to be there in time for your first game will result in forfeiture. We finish 4pm on Saturday. We'll aim to finish by 7 on the Sunday, however we are booked till 9, so that's the latest we'll finish in event of delays.Friday Night
We have one court booked for throw-ins on Friday, 7-10pm. Bristol people will be there pretty much on time, so if you arrive early just wait.Rules
We're using NAH ruleset 4.1, available at http://www.nahardcourt.com/rules/. Winning teams will have to stay on to ref, so please make sure you're familiar with them. Games are 10 minutes max, or first to 5. Draws permissible in Swiss Rounds.Parking
Parking is available at the courts during opening times only (so you'll have to move cars overnight). It's free all day Saturday and Sunday. On the Friday evening if your car will be there for more than 3 hours please inform reception so they can note your registration and not fine you.Saturday Night
We have booked local bike co-op Roll for the Soul (http://www.rollforthesoul.org/) for the Saturday night. From 7pm it's all for us, but you can go straight from the court. There's a meal deal for bike polo players, and also 4 for 3 on beers. Ask at the bar.Team Details
Please let us know as soon as possible of any last minute changes. Those whose team-names are tbc - please let us know what it'll be, or we'll make one up.Bring and Buy
We'll have a table for people with stuff to sell, which will be staffed one way or another all weekend, however if you're relying on us to take care of it please can you label and price it somehow? -
Just a note, really, that if we go with four we'll need a way of deciding between the two teams that Podium will stick at joint 5th (I think). Whether this is decided on the Swiss results etc, or via a play-off, would be useful to know in advance as it's going to add an extra game in which we'll need to account for (it's not a problem - just advanced warning will make it easier for us).
Massive thanks, by the way, to our various sponsors:
**Stick In Mind [http://stickinmind.net/**](http://stickinmind.net/)
No Rulz http://norulzbikepolo.wix.com/norulzbikepolo
Hammertime https://www.facebook.com/Hammertimebp?fref=ts
Veganski http://veganski.blogspot.co.uk/
Magic Bike Polo http://magicbikepolo.com/
My Bag Poland http://mybikebag.blogspot.co.uk/
Charlie the Bikemonger http://www.charliethebikemonger.com/
Boneshaker Magazine http://boneshakermag.com/
Bike UK http://bike-uk.co.uk/
Wogan Coffee http://www.wogancoffee.co.uk/ -
9am. Sharp. Please be there before then.
Doors open at 9, but we want to register people before then to get games underway straight away.
If you are really going to struggle making that time please let us know and we may be able to defer games until later in the round, however if people haven't arrived in time I'm afraid forfeiture will be unavoidable.
Q: What time are we finishing on the Sunday?
A: Timetable suggests the final should finish by 7, however the court is booked until 9 to allow for possible over-runs.Q: Any developments concerning format / groups?
A: Just expecting to do a straight Swiss Rounds with all 28 teams. I'm not sure we have so many that we need to group it. If we're wrong about that let us know.
Aiming for 5 Swiss rounds then double elim - hopefully for all 28 teams but it'll depend on how well we run to time. At least for top 24.
is that all we need to do to register? Sorry - struggling with phone internet