Does anyone have suggestions for alright road shoes on a rather limited budget*?
I've narrowed it down to these 3 so far, but would be interested to know if anyone had any other suggestions, or experience of these;
Gaerne G.Avia
Mavic Peloton
Bontrager DLXI know I should go to a shop to try things on really, but there is nowhere local to me that has much.
*Around £55
I'm trying to install a front brake and the nut isn't quite long enough to reach the bolt. The current nut is measured (using a crappy plastic ruler) as 14.5-15mm and it just touches the bolt when both are inserted all the way. The longest spare bolt that Wiggle have is 18mm, is 3mm of engagement enough to hold the brake securely? I'm about to make an order with Wiggle anyway so would rather buy from them for convenience but I see that SJS has 22mm, 27mm and 32mm bolts in stock.
I have a 20mm one I could stick in the post if you think it would work.
- mdcc_tester 45/2/2/Black
- abyrnesmith 48/3/1/Black
- 'dan 45/2/1/Black
- miro_o 46/3.5/1/Black
- Dmayn91 45/3/1/Black
- Object 46/2/2/Black
- Laner 46/2/1/Black
- Laner 45/2/1/Black
- Keyfour 49.5/2/1/Black
- danieldan 45/2/1/Black
- Rodolfo 45/3/1/black
- Waffle 47/2/1/black
- Nellyp 48/3/1/black
- mustard 48/2/1/black
- mustard 45/4/1/black
- chickenbourne 47/2/1/black
- Syntret 46/3/1/black
- mustard 47/2/1/black
- branwen 45/2/1/black
- loc 45/2/1/black
- mooscot 47/2/1/black
- apc 47/2/1 black
---------closed---------- - Smallfurry 45/2/1/black
- Eyebrows 47/2/2/black?
- danb 46/2/2/black
- swillis 47/2/1 black
- mdcc_tester 45/2/2/Black
It depends really, whenever I've built something up its always been a bit of a rush, so I've paid over the true value to ensure I win (on ebay) and get it fast. If you've been patient and picked things up for good prices you could get nearly all your money back (minus any postage or ebay/paypal fees), but for anything you've bought new you are probably looking at -20% at best. -15% as an average sounds pretty reasonable to me, but again it all depends on what you paid in the first place.
I can't imagine you will lose much on the frame, you may on the parts, especially if you bought them new. As long as you're not after really high prices you could put it all up in the classifieds on here first, and I'm sure people who know much more about the value than me will tell you if they're priced too high. I'd still say keep the frame if you can and sell the parts, it really is lovely.
You could also try the what is my xyz worth thread, although it looks like more questions than answers after a quick look.
Split would probably get you the most money back on here, avoid eBay if you can, although you may well get more money there for the more expensive parts like the frame.
Why sell though? It's so nearly there and will be a really nice bike once built, is there not a different way to get some money if that's what you need, I'm sure you would come to regret selling it.
Does anyone know anything about Cube bikes, specifically the Agree GTC. I have the opportunity to buy a 2012 one with 105 for ~£700, which I thought was quite a lot for 105 second hand, but its full carbon so I'm unsure. Is this too expensive?
Bike like this one http://www.bikecyclingreviews.com/cube-agree-gtc-pro/
Saddle arrived today. Thanks