Last night I learned not to go to garages I don’t know... 3 studs sheered and the remaining two had loosened off to finger tight. I assume somebody went too hard with the Ugga Dugga.
I was doing XXmph on the m4 when I felt a wobble and heard what sounded like I had a puncture and pulled over to find this. I reckon I was maybe 20 seconds away from total disaster.
That’s my understanding too but at the moment which it failed I ran out of
Composure and lost enough power that I couldn’t stop or make the turn I wanted to so ended up through the fence. We returned later in the night and drive it home mostly along the beach using a combination of handbrake and light foot braking. -
Are they discs all round or drums in the rear?
Changing disc pads is something you'd definitely be able to do, drums are a bit more involved but easy enough still. How's the pedal feel? Is it at all spongy as it may be time for a bleed or fluid change.
I get pretty paranoid about brakes these days because when I was in NZ I had a total brake failure and put my little 4x4 corolla through a fence and then ended up on a sandy beach!
Gonna go to tykeswater (radlett) just to get ready and get an idea for condition because I've been out of the country all year then probably head a bit further NE into herts.
I'll keep you, @malandro and @sacredhart in the loop when we head out next time.
Any of you guys watch these videos? I absolutely love them.