Not bothered about the lanes themselves really but the traffic light phase changes have ruined my commute. OKR is a carpark both directions morning and night god knows how bad it will get when the lanes go live.
The South end of South bound London Bridge phasing seems to have been fucked about with too. A standstill at 11pm yesterday. -
Rather than listen to the bitchy comments of his gf, here is what Froome had to say:-
He didn't sound quite so convincing when he was interviewed warming down after the race.But then again, he's human (mostly) and was probably a little tired & emotional.
I, for one, am glad that the police can assault people, without due cause, and leading to their deaths, with impunity.It makes me feel safer at night.
Thanks TW, could you expand on what the actual legalities are of the ORN or more specifically how a cyclist should respond if police try to issue any of us with fines...as i think that would be particularly useful. Cheers!
West to East ORN ride?? obviously via PM....
Old bill is fucking jokes we ORN ride all day, you no get catched. -
Charlton Lido yesterday evening.
All fc
4 x 100 warmup
500 drills (single arms, breathing, snorkel stuff)
8 x 200 css main set
300 warm down3000 in all
I overestimated my CSS time for 100m - I thought it was 1:50 ish, turns out I can only knock out 2:00 / 2:05
As I tire, it looks as though my stroke suffers, getting shorter, choppier and less efficient, so the harder I try, the worse I get.
I could really feel the weakness at the end of each pull though, and struggled to complete the stroke with any strength.
I do like that pool though. A whole lane to myself for 70 minutes was blissful.
I struggle to imagine how they will possibly enforce this
"They" being the operative word.TfL cannot enforce, as they do not have the authority to issue PCNs to cyclists (or owners / keepers of pedal cycles), as they can only do so via approved devices, i.e. cameras, which cannot, as yet, identify cyclists.
And even if they could identify the cyclist via camera, they only have the authority to issue PCNs to keepers of vehicles.
The police will not (and, as far as I recall, cannot) enforce as the roads are, by and large, the domain of TfL, and governed by the Traffic Management Act, not the Road Traffic Act.
But the polis might still give a cyclist a £30 NEFPN, though I don't know for which offence.
not exactly first hand, but:
Cyclists who stray into the Games Lanes will face a fixed penalty of £130 and their bike will be impounded if they are unable to pay.
The ETA has, I think, got it completely wrong.
Nobody has any authority to impound any bicycle (short of a court order, or maybe authority implied by contract).
There is no such thing as a £130 fixed penalty, either prior to, or post- the various pieces of Games legislation.
Write a letter to the station commander too - Such dismissive attitudes are endemic, and unlikely to change without action.
(If you can be arsed.)