I would like these. If you could email me on stumcmahon@yahoo.co.uk we can make arrangements for pick-up and payment.
I would like the trainer. Could you please email me on stumcmahon@yahoo.co.uk to arrange payment and delivery?
Gosh! Upardonable solipsism! (Blushes furiously.) So it's fine to be cheap and crass so long as it's done discreetly. Apologies for having trodden on sensitive toes. Meanwhile I'm the only one to have offered to put any money on the table, while this unbelievable bargain goes unclaimed. Jump in chaps; if I miss out I'll only have myself to blame, and all for a measly twenty-five quid.
I'll take it. Email me at stumcmahon@yahoo.co.uk and we can make arrangements for payment and delivery.
I'll have this. If you email me a phone contact to stumcmahon@yahoo.co.uk I'll get my nephew to come and pick it up and pay cash, if that's OK with you (and assuming you're in London).
Hi Toby
Had an email from Laurie to say she's established contact, but that you're in Blackheath, quite a stretch from where she is. She wonders if it might be possible to meet up somewhere between, like the Shoreditch/Old St area. Perhaps you could deal directly with her - save me acting as intermediary.
Stuart -
Did it sell?