For the record, I'm quite with J here. I think it's as dull as a 3 stage race (with that route, with all main players intact) could reasonably be IMO.
There's been a few highlights - Early textbook echelon drama on day 2 (even if it killed perhaps the rest of it), G's riding, Cummings belting it past the remonstrating Frenchies, Cavs win when he needed it the most, Pinot's redemption from his earlier strop atop Huez...But Giro had better duelling, and the Classics (ok, a vintage year this year s0 maybe unfair) were all better days in front of the TV. The Ruta Del Sol was far more engrossing.
It's always a good few weeks affixed to the screen, though the shouting at screen moments have been very subdued relative to previous tours/races :)
IN P-R, I'm sure I've heard of the tradition that random spectators hold wheels up, with the tacit understanding if any of them are used the team will give them back one of the 'proper' ones from the sponsors. As the roads in P-R are difficult to get cars down, it would save the riders races to take one as it could be ages until a car could get there (if at all).
This was stolen in Calais a few weeks back. Long shot I know though gutted :(
FINALLY got round to finishing this. Not the greatest week (weather wise) to break it in, though pretty chuffed with how it turned out...