Sometime next year I'm planning to do a sponsered ride around the Isle of Wight for charity. Every single penny I raise will be going towards a charity that helps deal with spinal injuries and the like. My girlfriends uncle was T-boned by a stag a few months ago whilst riding his bike, and has been paralysed shoulders down. I was just wondering if anybody has ridden round on a fixed gear bike, or if it's worth me building a cheap roadie. Thanks guys, wish me luck!
Do you have pics of the rear stays? Would like to get a better view of how they flair.
good enough?
Looks like a bloody small gear
Nice bike though brah!Thank you! This is my first fixed gear bike, so I'm yet to figure out which gear is best for me! Stupid amount of hills here in Norfolk though ;)
almost finished my current, just awaiting a front brake in the post. http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/457148_3809009196961_622448194_o.jpg
slap me on my dick for posting my own bike, but this has been called HHSB
nice, but ditch that half link chain!
I will do as soon as I'm used to riding it, there wasn't much choice in the LBS seeing as everybody rides bmx
Nice - but why only one grip?
Waiting for my brake lever to arrive, it's less hassle to take it off again!
gorgeous setting, and gorgeous bikes!