Midge bars - these came from AlexD here https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/379310/#comment16710458 and in turn came from another LFGSS member. Alex sold them for a bargain £15 plus postage so was thinking 12.50 + 4evri + 50p or so for paypal = £17 posted & PayPal fees covered
More pics here - https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZqkMoMeV5phHvEqSA
Thanks! I'd not seen the white ones till I saw that French Divide build... I really like it in white. He's built it with a fair old saddle to bar drop compared to most Vagabonds, it looks like a CdeF at first glance. I hope I don't also regret selling this one, I can see I'll enjoy the ToughRoad for a bit then the novelty will wear off and I'll find myself wanting to go back to a slacker springier bike
Got some Deore flat bar levers & calipers about to be listed, info here shortly: https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/393957/#comment17286578
Genesis Vagabond frameset in size large.SOLDI've really enjoyed this bike, especially for fully-loaded touring where it has been very stable, and for off road trips. It really is very comfy. However I find I use my MTB mostly when off road and the Vagabond is not really getting used to its potential, so I swapped the parts onto a Giant ToughRoad frame to try that out instead. This is a bit stiffer / steeper head tube angle and I prefer it for the riding I am doing, so I think the switch is permanent and the Vagabond is up for sale.
For general Vagabond inspiration, Popdown's thread is worth a read - https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/321558/
I also like this French Divide build - https://www.veloacier.com/genesis-vagabond-lechappee-belle-sur-la-french-divide/ More pics here https://www.flickr.com/photos/150260175@N04/36264702236
- 2019 model
- size large
- blue Hope headset, spacers and seatclamp (goes well, if loudly, with the orange paint)
- QR front and back
- straight steerer, still quite long - 260mm
- threaded BB
- BB threads in good condition - BB came out fine when disassembling
- IS disk mounts. Includes 2 x post mount adapters for 160mm rotors
- Problem Solvers Fender Flute for front mudguard
- Bottom bracket cable guide
- 2 x downtube barrel adjusters for gear cables
- Drain hole in chain stay brace behind bottom bracket drilled out to take M5 bolt for mudguards
- No bolts in any of the various mounting points
- Paint quite chipped
Asking £250 with all the above (frame, forks, headset, seatclamp, 2 x PM adapters, flute), also including PayPal fees and posting with Parcelforce 48 (UK mainland).
However happy to split. I still have the original unused Genesis headset which I can include with the frame if helpful instead of the Hope. I don't have an alternative seatclamp.
If the lack of bolts is an issue then I can put together a motley set, let me know. Mostly keen to point out the original bolts that came with the frame have got merged into the general stash and are no longer with the frame.
Pic when built attached. I am going to clean it up this afternoon and add more pics of the F&F, partic the paint chips.
I live near Manchester so will have to post unless you are nearby. I've got the box the ToughRoad came in to wrap it up in.
Also got some spare parts from the old build -
On-One Midge bars - £17 including postage and PayPal feesSOLDFC-M622 2x10 crankset with unusual 96mm BCD and missing bolts, currently with SunRace 36T steel NW ring - £20 including postage and PayPal feesSOLDAlivio M447 hydraulic flat bar brakeset - £30 including postage and PayPal feesSOLD
Details/pics for these all below.
- 2019 model
Thanks for the heads up, yep, I need a 10sp RD, cassette, chain and shifter. And would be sorely tempted by the brakes which would be an upgrade on the Deore ones I've got. Might a winning split/combo/package be that I take SLX gearing and SLX calipers in one go, apart from the cranks which can go to psg1ben? then maybelline hopefully does not have to post more packages out than planned. (I would need postage being up north) But if that is too phaffy I would be glad to post on the cranks.
Cassette ideally would be 11-36, guessing this set up might have run something wider? but I would be happy to take a wider one to get the bike built and can always tweak in future, or indeed learn to appreciate my new wider gears.
Great prices, at that price it would be fun to get the Lauf just to try it out.
Is this 10sp? internet suggests it might be ... I am after 10sp shifters / cassette / RD / chain which would be prob > £80 from anywhere else. Tho ideally an 11-36. How much use left in cassette / chain do you think? The calipers and brakes would be an upgrade on what I have (basic deore) or could sell on to facilitate a split - unfortunately no help to psg1ben
Going by that headset and your Manchester location I think it is at least 3 ... @Heitzman then me then back to Heitzman then yourself. However I think that green and red combo looks great! Here it is 5 years ago when I sold it -
I was all set to do the drier rack like in the wildyeast recipe but the skewers were then too long to fit in the only possible box I could find to let it rise under a cover so they got cut off, so that plan failed... I am now watching it carefully after both wildyeast and others here report that it can actually stretch a bit too far - would seem ridiculous to ruin it at this stage...
Have you had any luck finding a Wilko alternative?
oh I see, yes I think I agree, but that's what we're after isn't it? the circle to be circular in terms of surface distance around the center point, which as you say means it will be non-circular in terms of degrees of lat/lng? whereas if you made it a circle based on degrees then when you came to cycle it then E-W would be a lot shorter than N-S at our latitudes.
nice! in which case here's a new version of the fiddle that will render a 'download' link and if you click it then it should download a basic GPX to make it easier to go into Komoot etc -
to try different point, then turf.transformTranslate uses decimal degrees so it currently has 0 for north... if eg you wanted the start point to become the 3 o'clock point of the circle then you'd need to move it to the west by the amount radius to become the circle centre so use 270 instead of 0
and when changing the start point, if you don't know GeoJSON already, then watch out, because it uses [x,y] coordinates, ie [Lng,Lat] rather than the more familiar [Lat,Lng]
Coincidentally I am sitting here doing some maps programming with turf.js. It will solve this problem with its circle function, which actually returns a polygon defined by a number of points, because GeoJSON does not support an actual circle. I've put the code in a JSFiddle, if you run it you should get the coords in a block of GeoJSON:
You can copy that into https://geojson.io/ to check it looks ok, it should look something like the attached. Even tho it is approximating a circle presumably the vertices fall on what would be the circumference, so it should be right?
Are you planning a festive bike ride?
EDIT: just realised I made London Bridge the centre, not the 6 o'clock position. I guess the way to fix this is to start with the coord for London Bridge, move it north by the circle radius to get the center, then go from there
EDIT2: edited the fiddle with the fix above and updated attached image
Must be this: https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/314580/#14007125
Buy mine! https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/385498
EDIT - I bought it from RideWill but it looks exactly the same as that SJS one linked above. As noted in my sale thread, it pops up in a few places.
EDIT2 - though mine has a bit more clearance I think. It takes a 45mm tyre (without mudguards) and is 400mm a2c. I reckon 40 with guards would be OK - could check that for you.
Er I got distracted by the 'what 2000s FS' but what I really meant to post was I have just taken an old pair off a bike and they are available for free, I was thinking I'd take them to the local bike freecycle project eventually. They are QR, 6-bolts disk, Deore hubs, a cheap rim, Shimano freehub body, about 8 years old I think, heavy but still reasonably straight and bearings are OK (not cartridge, I quickly serviced the rear one but not the front one). I am up north though so would prob have to sort out postage?
26" Camber from 2012-ish? eg https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/335030796680
I'm 6ft with 32" inside leg and the build pic above is as I rode it if that helps size it up.