If a credit card deal has 0% on purchases for 12 months, does that mean that I will accrue no interest in that period and I can spend up to the credit limit just paying the minimum payment amount
Yes, that's how it works. They're gambling on you forgetting or being unable to pay it off after the 12 months.
I'm on a low carb high fat diet, and last night I completely stuffed my face with all the cheese in the house, a huge carvery dinner and an unknown but very large quantity of 70% chocolate, to the point where my head and stomach hurt. You know that feeling where you know you've had too much so you have another handful, because then you'll still have had too much and "too much" doesn't sound any worse than "too much" so it must be fine.
Anyway, I got to sleep ok and woke up at 5am feeling full of beans and wanting to bounce up and down on my toes (probably still off my face on caffeine, sugars and other chocolate stimulants) and I have tomorrow off from cycling, so I thought I'd give it some welly on the morning commute and see how fast I can go on the new Selle SMP that allows me some comfort on the drops.
Dafuq did that happen ? A KOM on the commute, that isn't me. I was fairly lucky with the lights, but no tailwind. It felt like I'd borrowed the legs and metabolism of a much stronger cyclist.
I must eat all of the chocolate again. Or possibly I must misplace my HRM again, so that the high reading doesn't scare me into easing up.
I did a couple of rides Yesterday to test out my new Selle SMP over some longer distances, and the rain was bothersome. Summer weight shoes with no overshoes didn't help, and cold wet feet was the main reason I stopped the morning leg a bit earlier than planned.
As I currently have no intact overshoes or winter weight shoes, I gave the Old Plastic Bag Trick [1] a go for the afternoon ride. After 4 hours of riding (some of it quite damp) my feet were still not sending me any nasty messages. The inner socks were a bit damp with sweat by the end, but still quite comfortable.
[1] Apply in order: merino sock, plastic bag, another sock (the thinnest you can find, just to prevent holes in the plastic bag), cycling shoe, rain.
I enjoyed that ride a lot, thanks Magnus for giving me a deadline so that I had to get around to organising one, otherwise it might have been years. Things I foolishly skipped on the first ride: Ice-cream, check. KFC, check. The little bit of rain we got was annoying, @fasih's drivetrain exploding was bad, but the day was mostly excellent.
I was brought down to earth sharply this morning though when I read of a rider killed in Harrow on Sunday, after we'd passed within 500m of the scene the day before.
My number is unchanged, just scroll up.
If we took the same amount of time as the first ride, we'd get there at 0940, so probably some time before that with it being a much smaller group. I can text you a better ETA when we're a few ks into the ride and we know our average speed if you like - how long will it take you to get there from home ?
At the moment it's looking like it will rain lightly in the afternoon, but be warm enough to tough it out without extra clothes. Not to too windy either.
http://www.windguru.cz/int/index.php?sc=57932edit: which is what you said
Also, once retired you'll have plenty of time to work your way up to this distance by doing a multi-day tour every month or some such.