Saw few on Newington Butts while waiting at E&C's south lights (9.15 ish), but no others. I'm almost disappointed.
Hiding behind the bus shelter near the ped x-ing? Wonder how many motorists they stopped there.
Had a pleasant chat with a WPC this morning. Mostly about the weather though rather than my lack of helmet or hi-viz.
People who find that cyclists are always shouting, swearing and banging on the side of their cars are generally terrible drivers, it's not because 'all cyclists are aggressive'. When someone's nearly killed you, the adrenaline rush means you're more likely to shout than write them a polite note.
That said, some riders are twats.
And some riders seem to purposely put themselves in situations so that they can take the righteous indignation stance and mouth off. Sometimes (often?), a poor/dangerous manoeuvre is a genuine oversight which can be predicted and avoided. Or you can spoil for a fight.
I had a classic experience the other evening. Elderly bloke walks straight out in front of me without looking. I come to a halt shouting "Whooaaa!" He turns on me saying "Why don't you just slow down". This is a residential street, 20mph which I was doing well under whereas motorbikes and cars and even lorries regularly shoot along well over 20mph. My immediate reaction was to give him a mouthful but I took a breath and said, "Wait a minute, I stopped in plenty of time to avoid hitting you, who stepped out into traffic without looking". He wandered off making some remark which I couldn't quite hear but didn't sound to me like he was accepting my point of view.
From where he came was a man, woman and child who called after him and commented that he seemed disorientated - they were wondering where he was going as if he had wandered off in the worng direction.
I hope they appreciated that not all cyclists are aggressive twats - even when provoked.
But people do seem to have selective recall.
Morning, so slow this morning I couldn't catch a sleeping snail.
BTW Olive? looks brown to me....I think you need to see it in a certain light to truly appreciate its oliveness. An olive light works best.
Nah - it's black, de-stickered and mostly changed components now so not very obviously a touche.
In further CSB news I had a clear jacket over the jersey today which mitigates the brightness a bit. I'll holler next time I see you.
Aha! Then I do recall seeing you. I did think you looked like you should be powering along faster than you were. Hope the cold goes away quickly.
@villa-ru Blimey, I don't recall such a jersey this morning, which is slightly worrying as I like to think I am aware of my surroundings when I commute but I am aware of seeing a Touche from time to time. Is it blue? I think I have also on rarer occasions seen a black one.
...and whilst I am at it, I have a confession to make that someone once DAS'd me on a Friday night at the lights north of Southwark Bridge at the bottom of Queen St. Several months ago. I think they were helping out at one of those bike doctor things. I was not aware of this thread at the time nor the concept of DAS. So I naively rounded up and explained that I didn't know how to DAS and the chap politely gave me a few pointers although seemed a bit embarrassed at having shouted DAS to someone that clearly had no idea what he was talking about...
I think I need to be a calmer commuter.
Stopped at the lights at the King William St interchange this morning, chap walks through the middle of the ASL and carooms his wheely luggage off my rear wheel.
I say "are you going to apologise?" as he walks on.
He says "I don't think I can reply to that politely, so no".
To which I reply, looking him in the eye, and with a great deal of sincerity, "Well, you're a massive cunt then aren't you".
He got quite cross at this point.
I think I would have genuinely laughed at his reply.
I also love the word "caroom". Must use it myself at some point (hopefully in correct context).
(Personally, whilst it is often tempting - and usually easiest - to fire off a quick rude retort, it can be better to diffuse a situation with humour - which wheely man seems to have attempted. I endorse your view that you should try to be a calmer commuter.)
The recently much-spotted blackandblue racing past me (#flulungs) straight outta Brixton.
Then a catch up with Chalfie.
Morning all. Nice ride in.
Morning! What do you ride villa-ru? I'll keep an eye out in the future.
I also spotted artyflaharty again this morning but we got split by the lights so couldn't chat.
Beautiful morning for a ride in today.
@ Blackandblue
You're getting well known!
Nice brown Condor, check, Herne hill cap, check, Rapha jacket, check, must be you!
(Me? tatty black geared thing and hair,) we often chat in the morning!
Howard'Tis me! I really should get more involved on the forum. Been lurking for too long. I reckon if I spend a bit of time on here, as well as twitter, facebook and instagram, I could pretty much fill my day at the office without ever having to do any real work. (Can't help but think there's a flaw in that plan somewhere though....)
Friends of Herne Hill cap and Rapha softshell on London Bridge - you looked like you should be on here!
That could have been me. Rain jacket rather than softshell though. I'm not on here as often as I could/should/would but drop in from time to time for a peek.
Chatted briefly with Rudy Melo on the way in. He's easy to spot!
Saw a copper yesterday at the same junction giving a pedestrian a right mouthful.