So, today I put hubs on scales, it shows 560g/pair(without lock ring), when their weight is 520g by the http://www.miche.it/en/catalogo/catalogo-miche/mozzi/mozzi-primato-pista---flangia-grande ;
Then I put just rear one on scales and it shows 315g, what is the weight of planet x rear hub, written in http://www.planet-x-bikes.co.uk/i/q/HUPXPITR/planet_x_pista_track_hub .
Is it clear now, that you was to blame for cheating in your trade?
In your photo tones of yellow aren't so different, it may look like a shadow fallen on one hub. When i see them live it's much more different. It surprise me, why the anodized in different?
I appologies for expresing my mood directly here, but i was waitting for them so long and when i open the box, I saw different tones of yellow(what is realy strange for me) and i was shocked about the situation.
you removed logo http://businesscycles.com/graphics/thub-miche-new.jpg ? Colors should be the same aswell.
I wrote to miche and they aswered, that:
"they seem our production.
we must advsie that normally we suggest to buy the sets, and we produce the hubs in set , having this posibility to have different colours anodising the alloy.
As per our opinion, may be that they guy has bought the front and rear in different times....the coulours can be different ,
BUT : ... it is strange to have the hubs without stikes in teh central boy!!! "
So, probably I should apologize for this misunderstanding.